Voters are Dumb

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Voters are Dumb

Post by Del »

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."H. L. Mencken

"It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so."Ronald Reagan

Reagan was absolutely right.... but over time, certainty about false conclusions is contagious. Conservatives and Christians are not immune to the generational influence of false education.

And since the time of Mencken and Reagan, we've invented the Internet. Which has given voters the attention span of a gnat. (Mencken's generation never heard of "tl;dr" -- even though many did not have even a high school education.)

Anyhow, just for fun.... Let's list evidence that voters are dumb. I'll start:

1) Voters have forgotten all about the disaster and tragedy of Afghanistan.

2) Voters think Trump will destroy our Democracy.

3) Voters think Trump will fix all of Biden's problems, just because Trump fixed some of Obama's problems.

4) Biden believes that many voters will accept that
"Bidenomics is working." He's probably right.

That's just off of the top of my head. Got any more?
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Voters are Dumb

Post by Del »

5) Voters have allowed Democrats and their media to decree that the chaos of Jan. 6 was an "insurrection" akin to the Civil War.

6) Voters have not held a single person accountable for the foolish mandates, lockdowns, and contrived disruption of our lives and our children's educations related to the coronavirus outbreak.

7) Voters are hellbent on standing up Trump and Biden for an electoral rematch.
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Voters are Dumb

Post by Hovannes »

8) Voters will trust their ballots to be delivered by complete strangers, or the Post Office.
9) Voters will vote in politicians who will pass bills politicians wll pass just so they can understand what's in them
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Voters are Dumb

Post by Del »

10) Stupid Voters think that Kamala Harris is African-American and that Nikki Haley is a White Supremacist.

11) Stupid voters celebrated blocking that lame border protection bill which allowed Biden to admit 5,000 illegal immigrants per day. So Biden continues to allow 8,500 illegal migrants every day.
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Voters are Dumb

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12) "We wish we didn't know now what we didn't know then..." -- from the Song of Lament by lots of Dumb Voters
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Voters are Dumb

Post by Del »

13) Babylon Bee sums this up concisely:

Mainstream Media Warn If Trump Is Elected He Might Indict His Political Enemies, Imprison Detractors, And Rig Elections In His Favor

"If none of the Democrats' 73 indictments against Trump work, Trump might gain the power to have political opponents indicted," warned MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow.
It's funny, because it's obvious.
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Voters are Dumb

Post by joegoat »

Someday, I'll get this flying monkey thing down and raise an army big enough to assume the position of Magnificent Grand Poobah. I'll do away with elections and rule with an iron fist.
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Voters are Dumb

Post by Hovannes »

14) Dumb voters in CA elected Schiff for the Senate.
Correction, both Schiff and Garvey to advance to the November election since neither got enough of the majority.
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