The Pope Francis Thread

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The Pope Francis Thread

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Hovannes wrote: 26 May 2023, 03:43 I feel bad criticizing Francis in the above posts.
He's an old man and he's doing his best.
The weight of the papacy must be very heavy on him.
Likewise. The secular American media (including NCR) portray him as either a good secular leftist or a bad secular leftist, and never give him fair coverage as an authentic spiritual leader.

Even the American Catholic press is leery of Pope Francis and his supposed effort to suppress worship in the Traditional Latin Mass, which has been a source of great renewal here.

He wants to broker a lasting cease-fire in Ukraine, with no help from the American president. American Catholics need to wake up and support him with our prayers.
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The Right to Migrate

Post by Wosbald »


Source: National Catholic Reporter/CNS News
Link: ncronline DOT org/vatican/vatican-news/pope-francis-says-situation-us-mexico-border-serious-problem
Pope Francis says situation at U.S.–Mexico border is 'serious problem'


Vatican City — Pope Francis called the migration crisis between Mexico and the United States a "serious problem" and praised a U.S. bishop working along the border during an interview with Telemundo journalist Julio Vaqueiro.

In the interview, broadcast May 25, the pope was shown photos of a baby wrapped in a blanket and placed inside a suitcase to be taken across the Rio Grande into the United States.

"It's a serious problem there," the pope said in response. "On the other side (of the border) there is a great man, Bishop Seitz" of El Paso, Texas.

"This bishop feels (the problem)," Francis said. "The problem of migrants is serious, it's serious there and it's serious here," he said about Europe, particularly "along the Libyan coast."

Speaking about his own experience as a child of immigrants, and now as an immigrant in Rome, the pope said that every person who leaves his or her homeland "misses the air of their birthplace."

"The mate you make in a thermos yourself is not the same as the mate your mom or your aunt makes for you," he said, referring to the caffeinated herbal drink popular in Argentina.


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The Right to Migrate

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Wosbald wrote: 30 May 2023, 08:19 +JMJ+

Source: National Catholic Reporter/CNS News
Link: ncronline DOT org/vatican/vatican-news/pope-francis-says-situation-us-mexico-border-serious-problem
Pope Francis says situation at U.S.–Mexico border is 'serious problem'


Vatican City — Pope Francis called the migration crisis between Mexico and the United States a "serious problem" and praised a U.S. bishop working along the border during an interview with Telemundo journalist Julio Vaqueiro.

In the interview, broadcast May 25, the pope was shown photos of a baby wrapped in a blanket and placed inside a suitcase to be taken across the Rio Grande into the United States.

"It's a serious problem there," the pope said in response. "On the other side (of the border) there is a great man, Bishop Seitz" of El Paso, Texas.

"This bishop feels (the problem)," Francis said. "The problem of migrants is serious, it's serious there and it's serious here," he said about Europe, particularly "along the Libyan coast."

Speaking about his own experience as a child of immigrants, and now as an immigrant in Rome, the pope said that every person who leaves his or her homeland "misses the air of their birthplace."

"The mate you make in a thermos yourself is not the same as the mate your mom or your aunt makes for you," he said, referring to the caffeinated herbal drink popular in Argentina.

What is NCR's spin here? Are they saying that the deaths, rapes, human trafficking, violent crimes, fentanyl, concentration camps; systemic poverty, homelessness and restriction from legal employment; extortion of families and enrichment of the cartels -- is merely a "problem"? Did Pope Francis cross the Democrat line by suggesting that it is a "serious problem"?
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The Right to Migrate

Post by Hovannes »

Del wrote: 30 May 2023, 09:16
Wosbald wrote: 30 May 2023, 08:19 +JMJ+

Source: National Catholic Reporter/CNS News
Link: ncronline DOT org/vatican/vatican-news/pope-francis-says-situation-us-mexico-border-serious-problem
Pope Francis says situation at U.S.–Mexico border is 'serious problem'


Vatican City — Pope Francis called the migration crisis between Mexico and the United States a "serious problem" and praised a U.S. bishop working along the border during an interview with Telemundo journalist Julio Vaqueiro.

In the interview, broadcast May 25, the pope was shown photos of a baby wrapped in a blanket and placed inside a suitcase to be taken across the Rio Grande into the United States.

"It's a serious problem there," the pope said in response. "On the other side (of the border) there is a great man, Bishop Seitz" of El Paso, Texas.

"This bishop feels (the problem)," Francis said. "The problem of migrants is serious, it's serious there and it's serious here," he said about Europe, particularly "along the Libyan coast."

Speaking about his own experience as a child of immigrants, and now as an immigrant in Rome, the pope said that every person who leaves his or her homeland "misses the air of their birthplace."

"The mate you make in a thermos yourself is not the same as the mate your mom or your aunt makes for you," he said, referring to the caffeinated herbal drink popular in Argentina.

What is NCR's spin here? Are they saying that the deaths, rapes, human trafficking, violent crimes, fentanyl, concentration camps; systemic poverty, homelessness and restriction from legal employment; extortion of families and enrichment of the cartels -- is merely a "problem"? Did Pope Francis cross the Democrat line by suggesting that it is a "serious problem"?
Apparently it's serious when you migrate illegally to the Vatican City. :whistle:
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The Pope Francis Thread

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Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/interviews/2023/07/popes-new-doctrine-watchdog-assures-im-not-a-soros-spy
Pope’s new doctrine watchdog assures: ‘I’m not a Soros spy’ [In-Depth, Interview]


ROME — Pope Francis’s new top theological advisor has attempted to reassure voices in the United States and elsewhere who’ve questioned his adherence to Catholic teaching and tradition, vowing that he’s not a “Soros spy infiltrated in the Church.”

“I am not a Freemason, nor an ally of the New World Order, nor a Soros spy infiltrated in the Church. Those are pure fantasies,” said Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, an Argentine theologian tapped by the pontiff July 1 as the new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, traditionally the Vatican’s doctrinal watchdog agency.

“I try to be an honest person, I confess often, I love the Church and its doctrine, most of my writings are about spirituality and prayer. I cannot conceive my life without God,” Fernández said.

“So [they may] have confidence, and it is better [for them] to look for enemies of the faith elsewhere,” said Fernández, who will turn 61 on July 18, in reference to his critics.

The comments came in an interview with Crux on July 5, conducted via email and in Spanish. It marked Fernández’s first conversation with an English-language news outlet since his appointment to his new role, which he will assume formally in mid-September.

A key papal ally and ghostwriter of several major papal documents, Fernández has used social media since his appointment to hit back against critics in the United States who, he’s said, have selectively mistranslated certain phrases from his writings, but he told Crux he has no generalized bias about Americans.

“In the United States, the population is very well educated, and the enormous development that the United States had in just a few decades speaks of the great capacity of that people. It would never occur to me to disparage such a noble and capable people,” he said.

“But there are also minorities that can be inclined to fanaticism, to hatred, and this leads to a partial gaze that only seeks the dark side of enemies,” Fernández said, asserting that “some assessments of the Holy Father and even of my person are unfair and not very objective.”

Fernández spoke of his own theological formation and said that in terms of his new role, in keeping with the instructions given by Francis, he’ll aim to promote “dialogue and a deepening of thought” rather than disciplinary actions against wayward theologians.

He also emphasized the importance of another charge given him by Francis, which is to ensure that all Vatican departments are in alignment with the “recent magisterium.”

“It can happen that answers are given to certain theological issues without accepting what Francis has said that is new on those issues,” Fernández said. “It’s not only inserting a phrase from Pope Francis, but allowing thought to be transfigured with his criteria. This is particularly true for moral and pastoral theology.”

The full interview with Fernández appears below, in a Crux translation from Spanish:


Crux: By now it is well known that you and Pope Francis share a close relationship. When did you first meet him, and how has your friendship developed?

Fernández: You know that I have never flaunted this relationship, but the truth is that since the year 2007, it has been a relationship of great trust. …


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The Right to Migrate

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Source: National Catholic Reporter / CNS
Link: ncronline DOT org/vatican/vatican-news/pope-no-one-can-be-indifferent-silent-massacres-migrant
Pope: No one can be indifferent to 'silent massacres' of migrants


Vatican City — Mourning the "silent massacres" of innocent people who died while crossing the Mediterranean Sea seeking a better life elsewhere, the world must change its attitude toward migrants and those in need, Pope Francis said.

"The brother who knocks at the door deserves love, hospitality and every care," the pope said in a letter marking the tenth anniversary of his first apostolic journey as pope to the Italian island of Lampedusa July 8, 2013. "He is a brother who, like me, has been placed on earth to enjoy what exists there and to share it in communion."

Lampedusa, which lies between Sicily and the northern African nations of Tunisia and Libya, has been for decades a major destination point for migrants from Africa, the Middle East and Asia seeking a new life in Europe. However, many migrants often make the journey in unsafe vessels or without needed provisions like food, water and floatation devices.

At least 2,000 people are believed to have lost their lives in 2022 and again in 2021 while crossing the Mediterranean. Nearly 26,000 people were recorded dead between 2014 and 2022, and, between 2014 and 2018, about 12,000 people who drowned were never found, according to Statista. Francis mourned the deaths during his 2013 visit with prayers and by tossing a floral wreath into the rippling water.

In his letter to Archbishop Alessandro Damiano of Agrigento, Sicily, the pope said he wanted to visit the people of Lampedusa "to express my support and paternal closeness to those who, after painful ordeals, at the mercy of the sea, landed on your shores." The Vatican published the letter July 8.

"We are witnessing the repetition of grave tragedies in the Mediterranean, we are shocked by the silent massacres before which we still remain helpless and stunned. The death of innocents, mainly children, in search of a more serene existence, far from wars and violence, is a painful and deafening cry that cannot leave us indifferent," he wrote.

"The occurrence of such inhuman disasters must utterly shake our consciences," he wrote. "We must change our attitude" and "we are all called to a renewed and profound sense of responsibility, showing solidarity and sharing."

"It is therefore necessary for the church, in order to be truly prophetic, to make a diligent effort to set out on the paths of the forgotten, coming out of herself, soothing with the balm of fraternity and charity the bleeding sores of those who bear the same wounds of Christ imprinted on their own bodies," the pope wrote.

He urged Christians "not to remain imprisoned by fear and partisan logic, but to be Christians capable of replenishing this island" with the "spiritual richness of the Gospel, so that it may once again shine in its original beauty."

The pope also marked Sea Sunday July 9 after praying the Angelus with visitors in St. Peter's Square. The international day of prayer for seafarers and their families, workers in the maritime industry, chaplains and volunteers with the apostolate of the sea was officially established in 1975 to raise awareness of the importance of the work performed by seafarers, who today number more than one million people.


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The Pope Francis Thread

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Source: Vatican News
Link: vaticannews DOT va/en/pope/news/2019-03/pope-development-goals-rooted-in-ethics-not-economics.html
Pope: Sustainable development rooted in ethical values


Pope Francis on Friday meets with participants in an international conference entitled, “Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Vatican News — In 2015 Pope Francis addressed the UN General Assembly in New York shortly before member states unanimously adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Fast forward to 2019 and the Pope was in the Vatican on Friday where he greeted participants taking part in a two day international conference entitled, “Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Listening to the cry of the earth and of the poor”.

Listening to all voices

Pope Francis got straight to the point by telling those gathered that, “when we speak of sustainability, we cannot overlook how important it is to include and to listen to all voices, especially those usually excluded from this type of discussion, such as the voices of the poor, migrants, indigenous people and the young.”

The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, the Pope said, “were a great step forward for global dialogue, marking a vitally “new and universal solidarity”. But he noted, “for too long, the conventional idea of development has been almost entirely limited to economic growth.”

The Pontiff emphasized that, “this has led the modern economic system down a dangerous path where progress is assessed only in terms of material growth, on account of which we are almost obliged to irrationally exploit the environment and our fellow human beings.”

Economic and political objectives, Pope Francis stressed, “must be sustained by ethical objectives, which presuppose a change of attitude: what the Bible would call a change of heart. Already Saint John Paul II spoke about the need to “encourage and support an ‘ecological conversion’”, he said.

The Pope underlined that what was needed was a commitment to “promoting and implementing the development goals that are supported by our deepest religious and ethical values.” He also expressed the hope that concrete solutions and responses would emerge from the conference.

Religious Dimension

Noting the importance of the religious dimension to this gathering, Pope Francis said that “those of us who are religious need to open up the treasures of our best traditions in order to engage in a true and respectful dialogue on how to build the future of our planet.”

The Pontiff also underlined, that “if we want to provide a solid foundation for the work of the 2030 Agenda, “we must reject the temptation to look for a merely technocratic response to the challenges, and be prepared to address the root causes and the long-term consequences.”

Indigenous Peoples

During his address, the Pope made particular mention of Indigenous Peoples saying that, “in a strongly secularized world, such peoples remind us all of the sacredness of our earth. Their voice and their concerns, he added, should be at the centre of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and at the heart of the search for new paths for a sustainable future. I will also be discussing this with my brother bishops at the Synod for the Pan-Amazon Region, at the end of October this year.”

Injustice that brings tears to our world is not invincible

Concluding his address and quoting his encyclical Laudato Si’, he told those present that, “three and a half years since the adoption of the sustainable development goals, we must be even more acutely aware of the importance of accelerating and adapting our actions in responding adequately to both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

He added, “the challenges are complex and have multiple causes; the response, therefore, must necessarily be complex and well-structured, respectful of the diverse cultural riches of peoples.”


The Conference is being jointly organized by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and runs until March 9th.

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Laudato Si' / Integral Ecology

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Source: Earthbeat
Link: ncronline DOT org/earthbeat/faith/pope-tells-lawyers-hes-writing-new-document-environment
Pope tells lawyers he's writing a new document on the environment


Vatican City — Thanking a group of European lawyers for their attention to environmental protection laws, Pope Francis said he was preparing another document on the subject.

"I am writing a second part to Laudato Si' to update it on current problems," the pope told the lawyers Aug. 21 during a meeting in the library of the Apostolic Palace. He provided no further information.

"Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home" was the title of Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical letter on the need for an "integral ecology" that respects the dignity and value of the human person, helps the poor and safeguards the planet.


"It must never be forgotten," he said, "that future generations are entitled to receive from our hands a beautiful and habitable world, and that this entails grave responsibilities toward the natural world that we have received from the benevolent hands of God."

Members of the group Pope Francis met with represented presidents of European bars and legal associations who signed a declaration in 2022 calling on members of the European Union and Council of Europe to uphold and respect the rule of law, especially in times of crisis like that created by Russia's war on Ukraine.

"These times of social and economic crisis, as well as a crisis of identity and security, challenge the democracies of the West to provide an effective response, while remaining faithful to their principles," particularly the promotion of democracy and respect for freedom and human dignity, he said.

"Fear of civil unrest and acts of violence, the prospect of destabilizing change and the need to act effectively in confronting emergency situations, can result in the temptation to make exceptions or to restrict — at least provisionally — the rule of law in the effort to find easy and immediate solutions," the pope said.

"For this reason," he told them, "I appreciate your insistence, in one of your proposals, that 'the rule of law should no longer be subject to the slightest exceptions, including in times of crisis.' For the rule of law stands at the service of the human person and aims to protect the dignity of each, which admits of no exception."

The pope cautioned, however, that laws promoting the dignity of the human person must be based on the truth about human beings, their divine origin and their ultimate destination. "Without the constant effort to pursue the truth about the human person, in accordance with God’s plan, individuals become the measure of themselves and their actions."

"Today, in effect, we are witnessing a tendency to claim more and more individual rights, without taking into account the fact that every human being is part of a social context in which his or her rights and duties are bound up with those of others and with the common good of society itself," the pope said.

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The Pope Francis Thread

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Pope Francis often talks about Jesus and teaches from the Bible, but somehow the media misses all that.

I don't think the media realize that Pope Francis is actually Catholic.
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The Pope Francis Thread

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The views expressed here are either mine or not my own, not sure.
The opinions expressed here may or may not be my own.
I post links to stuff.
Make your own choices.
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