The News & Topicality Thread

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-americas/2024/06/mexican-church-criticizes-bidens-ban-on-asylum-claims
Mexican Church criticizes Biden’s ban on asylum claims


SÃO PAULO, Brazil — After President Joe Biden’s new directive on asylum claims on the border with Mexico made it even more difficult for refugees to get into the United States, the Mexican Church said such issues “shouldn’t be guided by the pressures of electoral times and politics.”

In a declaration released on June 10th by the Bishops’ Conference’s Human Mobility Pastoral, Bishop J. Guadalupe Torres Campos of Ciudad Juarez said “every country has a right to manage its borders, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to restrict the people’s right to ask for asylum and international protection.”

“The new migratory policies of the United States’ government announced last week leave under the discretionary power of migratory agents of that country the access of a person to manifest her or his wish to request asylum, something that allows — without formalities, nor a due process or a thorough analysis of each person’s particular situation — arbitrary deportations without any guarantee for asylum claiming,” the letter read.

The document emphasizes that Mexico keeps receiving deportees from the United States, which leaves them in a vulnerable situation, given that there are no conditions to ensure the respect to their human rights.

“The border of Mexico with the United States keeps being a place of pain, suffering, and danger for migrant people and for those who need international protection,” Torres says.

The “management of the borders must ensure the ordained, safe, and regular migration,” the declaration read.

The letter concludes by asking the Mexican and the U.S. governments to prioritize the human rights of migrants and refugees, respecting “the principle of no devolution of persons requesting asylum, family unity, and their dignity.”


“That situation is not new. But things have been worse since the new directive was announced,” Karen Pérez, national director of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Mexico, told Crux.

Pérez explained that rumors disseminated among immigrants made them believe that it would be easy to get into the United States with Biden. When they arrive in Juarez, however, they understand that those rumors are far from the truth.

“Since the beginning of 2024, we have been noticing that asylum seekers are facing more and more difficulty to enter the U.S., with a policy of deportations and detentions,” she said.

Some people have been almost automatically deported, and many of them don’t understand what’s happening, due to the linguistic barrier and the accelerated process they face.

“They come back to Juarez thinking that their case is under review, when in fact they had been just expelled,” Pérez said.

Without funds to wait in Mexico for a new chance to present their case and a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian structure in Juarez and other points on the border, many people decide to get into the U.S. informally.

“Those people are then exposed to the violence of the criminal organizations. Many of them are extorted or killed,” she added.

The mafia-like groups that promise to take the immigrants through the border have been expanding their operations with that new situation, and their presence has been noticed in the south of Mexico, Pérez said.

According to Father Alberto Gómez Sánchez, who directs a migrants’ house in the southern state of Chiapas, changes like that have historically failed to prevent immigrants and refugees from traveling to the border and getting into the United States.

“When a door is closed, they find a new way. They’ve done all they could to get into the U.S. and there’s no way back. Not even President Donald Trump managed to discourage the immigrants with all his atrocious measures, like putting children in cages,” Gómez Sánchez told Crux.

But such measures make them more vulnerable, he said. In Chiapas, immigrants have been caught in the middle of a territorial dispute between two drug cartels, and violence has been widespread.

Gómez Sánchez thinks that the new directive is part of a strategy to make Biden look stronger in the battle against illegal immigration, given that Trump and his supporters accuse him of failing to limit the entrance of Latin Americans though the southern border.

“But the fact is that it’s impossible to shut the border down. There’s a giant flux of products between the two countries. Trump exploits that theme to gain support among people who don’t want to be bothered by immigrants. It’s all about racism,” he said.

Karen Pérez said she doesn’t hope for any real change in the way Mexico has been dealing with immigrants and refugees in the administration of recently-elected President Claudia Sheinbaum.

“The previous administration cut all communications with civil society about that. We think the new president will follow the same path,” she said, adding that a “humanitarian crisis has become a matter of public security, and the ‘solution’ has been militarization.”

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 14 Jun 2024, 10:43 +JMJ+

Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-americas/2024/06/mexican-church-criticizes-bidens-ban-on-asylum-claims
Mexican Church criticizes Biden’s ban on asylum claims
“When a door is closed, they find a new way. They’ve done all they could to get into the U.S. and there’s no way back. Not even President Donald Trump managed to discourage the immigrants with all his atrocious measures, like putting children in cages,” Gómez Sánchez told Crux.

1) We all know that Biden's new policy will disrupt the status quo while accomplishing nothing to affect illegal immigration.

2) We all know that Obama built the cages and kept kids in them, not Trump.

3) Crux knows this as much as everyone else. But they fail to report the facts correcting these claims. In other words, fake news.... because they think we are stupid.

I used to respect John Allen's CRUX a bit more than Wosbald's America or National Catholic Reporter (John Allen left NCR to found CRUX, precisely because NCR is a left-wing political propaganda rag fronting under a "Catholic" banner).

I don't read CRUX, and I actually hope that wosbald is picking CRUX's worst reporting for our enjoyment. But I'm losing faith.
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The News & Topicality Thread

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 14 Jun 2024, 11:50[…]

2) We all know that Obama built the cages and kept kids in them, not Trump.

3) Crux knows this as much as everyone else. But they fail to report the facts correcting these claims. In other words, fake news.... because they think we are stupid.

This apparently fails to distinguish between:
  • Family Separation: An occasional consequence of securing the Rights of those in the care of our Justice System.
  • Punitive Family Separation (PFS): A conscious, targeted policy of deterrence focused on maximizing the pain of those asserting their Rights.
"Kids in Cages" has become colloquial shorthand for PFS.

The More You Know.

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The News & Topicality Thread

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 15 Jun 2024, 17:58 +JMJ+
Del wrote: 14 Jun 2024, 11:50[…]

2) We all know that Obama built the cages and kept kids in them, not Trump.

3) Crux knows this as much as everyone else. But they fail to report the facts correcting these claims. In other words, fake news.... because they think we are stupid.

This apparently fails to distinguish between:
  • Family Separation: An occasional consequence of securing the Rights of those in the care of our Justice System.
  • Punitive Family Separation (PFS): A conscious, targeted policy of deterrence focused on maximizing the pain of those asserting their Rights.
"Kids in Cages" has become colloquial shorthand for PFS.

The More You Know.
This is ever-so-slightly interesting. I've never heard of "Punitive Family Separation." Is that National Catholic Reporter propaganda?

Fair question to anybody: Was "punitive" an actual policy under Obama and/or Trump? Or was this just campaign-era rhetoric in left-wing media, like "kids in cages"?

And I'm curious if anyone else is following the wosbald/dissident Catholic media discussion. Because I'm dropping this if no one else cares.
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The News & Topicality Thread

Post by sweetandsour »

Del wrote: 16 Jun 2024, 05:12
Wosbald wrote: 15 Jun 2024, 17:58 +JMJ+
Del wrote: 14 Jun 2024, 11:50[…]

2) We all know that Obama built the cages and kept kids in them, not Trump.

3) Crux knows this as much as everyone else. But they fail to report the facts correcting these claims. In other words, fake news.... because they think we are stupid.

This apparently fails to distinguish between:
  • Family Separation: An occasional consequence of securing the Rights of those in the care of our Justice System.
  • Punitive Family Separation (PFS): A conscious, targeted policy of deterrence focused on maximizing the pain of those asserting their Rights.
"Kids in Cages" has become colloquial shorthand for PFS.

The More You Know.
This is ever-so-slightly interesting. I've never heard of "Punitive Family Separation." Is that National Catholic Reporter propaganda?

Fair question to anybody: Was "punitive" an actual policy under Obama and/or Trump? Or was this just campaign-era rhetoric in left-wing media, like "kids in cages"?

And I'm curious if anyone else is following the wosbald/dissident Catholic media discussion. Because I'm dropping this if no one else cares.
FWIW, I've been reading the thread, although I have nothing to contribute since I don't read any of the referenced newsletters or whatever they are. I occasionally read the views in the Houston Chronicle, which as you can correctly imagine, has pretty much a "wide open southern border" stance, regardless of any consequences. I also receive weekly newsletters from Texas representatives Ted Cruz and Randy Weber. Sometimes they share pics and pieces about the border, sometimes not. For reference, Weber's letter from last Friday is attached.
Gmail - Rep. Randy Weber e-Newsletter.pdf
(2.73 MiB) Downloaded 20 times
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 16 Jun 2024, 05:12 […]

… I'm dropping this if no one else cares.
Seems to me that this'd be a particularly bad time for you to check-out of the convo, especially considering that, as the following article notes, Bp. Seitz has recently "announced a new educational program about how Catholic social teachings are linked to caring for migrants — a counter to the misinformation and disinformation on immigration issues that Catholics are hearing elsewhere."



Title: Top US bishop worries Catholic border services for migrants might be imperiled by government action
Source: Border Report
Link: borderreport DOT com/immigration/migrant-centers/top-us-bishop-worries-catholic-border-services-for-migrants-might-be-imperiled-by-government-action/

The Money-Quotes:
“We obviously want to respect the law, but if that liberty is restricted, then yes, our religious liberty is being restricted because we can’t put into practice the precepts of the Gospel,” Broglio said during a news conference Thursday.

Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, Texas, who chairs the USCCB’s committee on migration, echoed that worry: “We’re very concerned about our ability to continue to have the freedom to serve them.”


American bishops overseeing dioceses along the border are trying to respect both the Gospel and law, Broglio said. But he is wary of election-year politics stalling any possible progress toward fixing migration problems.

“We cannot cease in our efforts to proclaim the Gospel from the rooftops and to see if we cannot influence those in power at the very least to improve the conditions in the countries of origin so that migration is not seen as a necessity for life,” Broglio said in his opening address to the conference.


Seitz noted the long-standing political impasse in Congress on immigration reform during his presentation at the meeting Friday.

He announced a new educational program about how Catholic social teachings are linked to caring for migrants — a counter to the misinformation and disinformation on immigration issues that Catholics are hearing elsewhere. Catholics and Christian voters in general are divided on approaches to migration crisis.

“This hostility towards Christian charity has even risen to the point of accusing Catholic ministries engaged in service to migrants and refugees of facilitating the evil of human trafficking,” Seitz said. “Yet, many of those same entities actively work with the law enforcement to identify and counter such criminal activity, and to assist those who have been victimized by it.”


In [Seitz's] diocese, about 375 migrants who had been processed by the U.S. Border Patrol were released into the care of Catholic shelters on Thursday alone, he said. He is taking a wait-and-see attitude before determining how the new executive order will affect their work on the border.

“One of our big concerns is if a lot of people — practically everyone — is turned back, then where do they go?” Seitz said. “What happens with the limited options that they have on the Mexico side of the border? And those are things we’re trying to be very attentive to.”

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 16 Jun 2024, 11:00 +JMJ+

Seems to me that this'd be a particularly bad time for you to check-out of the convo, especially considering that, as the following article notes, Bp. Seitz has recently "announced a new educational program about how Catholic social teachings are linked to caring for migrants — a counter to the misinformation and disinformation on immigration issues that Catholics are hearing elsewhere."
I still don't know where you got the idea of "Punitive Child Separation." Was is punitive when Obama did it? At least Trump didn't keep kids in cages.... Children were provided with food, healthcare, education, playtime and adequate supervision while their parents/kidnappers were assessed and processed.

Nothing that you, or me, or Bp. Seitz have to say will affect future policy or funding. The voter reaction to Biden's negligence is already fierce.

And no Catholic can vote for Biden, due to his support and funding for abortion and transgender mutilations of children. Plus there is nothing just about his open border policy, so we can hope that new policies might not be as bad.

People who care about illegal migrants may have to get along without taxpayer funding, just as I have to help start a Catholic high school without taxpayer funding. Our children deserve a true education, whether or not government provides or fails or refuses to help those who provide.

Meanwhile, I will gladly vote for Trump this November. Even if I probably won't fully agree with what has to be done at the border, it will still be better than Biden's damage. But mostly, I am concerned about the 800,000 children murdered by abortion each year.... so I am concerned about the Supreme Court. And I have reason to hope that Trump might replicate his magic regarding the world economy and world peace. He might even get aggressive about draining the swamp and holding accountable those who have abused our system of justice, etc.

Let's hope Trump listens to guys like Bishop Seitz. Because Biden hasn't, and won't.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Title: Federal judge temporarily blocks Iowa immigration enforcement law
Source: Quad-City Times
Link: qctimes DOT com/news/state-regional/government-politics/iowa-immigration-illegal-reentry-law-court/article_86e43572-2cfc-11ef-94d6-3be46f940414.html

The Money-Quote:
Judge Stephen Locher of the Southern District of Iowa said in a ruling Monday that the law was preempted by federal law, siding with the Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice and the federal Justice Department who sued the state over the law.

“As a matter of politics, the new legislation might be defensible. As a matter of constitutional law, it is not,” he wrote in his ruling.

The law would allow Iowa law enforcement officials to arrest and charge a non-citizen with a crime if they are in the state and have previously been blocked from entering the country or deported. A judge would then be able to order the person to leave the country or face prison time.

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 19 Jun 2024, 12:01 +JMJ+

Title: Federal judge temporarily blocks Iowa immigration enforcement law
I'm not much interested in the states v. Feds lawsuits.

I checked in to see if you had anything to say about Biden's immigrant amnesty exec. order.

I could be wrong, but here's how I understand it: Illegal immigrants (many of whom entered legally and then overstayed their visas) -- who have been living here peacefully for several years -- and who have married an American in the meantime -- are granted legal status to remain -- and are not required to leave the country and re-apply for residence. Their children are also granted legal status.

If this is correct, then it sounds like a good policy. I have wanted to see the "leave and re-apply" policy abolished for a long time. No need to disrupt their jobs and families.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Source: Catholic News Agency
Link: catholicnewsagency DOT com/news/258028/catholic-migrant-shelter-calls-human-smuggling-accusations-utter-nonsense
Catholic migrant shelter calls ‘human smuggling’ accusations ‘utter nonsense’


Washington, D.C. — As Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is threatening to shut down a Catholic nonprofit known as Annunciation House for allegedly facilitating illegal border crossings from Mexico, a lawyer for the group has called the state’s claims “utter nonsense.”

Attorneys representing both sides argued before El Paso District Judge Francisco Dominguez in a hearing on Monday.

Jerome Wesevich, a lawyer with Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid (TRLA), which is representing Annunciation House, claimed that Paxton’s actions constitute an attack on the free exercise of religion and violate the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Rob Farquharson, an attorney with the Texas attorney general’s office, claimed that Annunciation House has been breaking portions of the Texas penal law that prohibits “knowingly encourag[ing] or induc[ing] a person to enter or remain in this country in violation of federal law by concealing, harboring, or shielding that person from detection.”

He said the nonprofit has “expressly said that the federal government knows that undocumented persons reside at Annunciation House” and the shelter “publicizes its willingness to shelter [illegal] immigrants and yet the federal government does not prosecute.”

Meanwhile, Wesevich called the state’s accusations “utter nonsense,” saying that “there’s no legitimate dispute that Annunciation House serves undocumented persons as an expression of the Catholic faith and Jesus’ command to love one another, no exceptions.”

“I would submit that if religious freedom does not allow Annunciation House to obey Jesus’ primary command to love another by providing a child a safe and warm place to sleep on a cold night, then there is no religious freedom in Texas,” Wesevich said.

What is Annunciation House?


What happened at the hearing?

During the hearing, which according to Dominguez was held online due to “security concerns,” Farquharson claimed that the nonprofit’s refusal to comply with the order to turn over documents relating to its operations “demonstrates concealment, harboring, and shielding” of illegal activity.

He also claimed that Annunciation House has been violating the Emergency Food and Shelter Act’s requirement to keep daily logs of the migrants they serve.

Dominguez pressed Farquharson on whether Paxton’s lawsuit diminishes Annunciation House’s Fourth Amendment right to freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures and to due process.

“Are you saying that Annunciation House, regardless of what they do or who they are harboring, to use your language, are you saying they have a diminished Fourth Amendment right?” the judge asked.

Farquharson responded that nonprofits are not guaranteed the same degree of Fourth Amendment protections as individuals.

Wesevich countered that “corporations have Fourth Amendment rights” and said that Paxton has no authority to shut Annunciation House down because “there has been no clear proof of any violation of law.”

“The attorney general is not looking for documents,” Wesevich said. “What the attorney general is looking for is an excuse to close Annunciation House.”

Wesevich went on to say that the “burden of proof of reasonableness” for Paxton’s records request “belongs only to the attorney general.”

TRLA held a press conference after the hearing during in which Wesevich said that Texas’ actions are “an obvious attack on Annunciation House’s fundamental right to practice the Catholic faith.”

Wesevich told CNA during the press conference that if Paxton were to be successful in his actions against Annunciation House the result would be “more people out on the streets” and “everywhere more chaos.”

“If the attorney general were successful, it would result in no decreased immigration whatsoever and only increased chaos,” he went on. “For us, for the business community, for the community at large, for the religious community, as well as for the government.”

What’s next?

Dominguez said during the hearing that he plans to issue a ruling in the next two weeks.

Wesevich said that though he is optimistic, he believes that Dominguez’s ruling will likely be appealed and that the case will go on to higher courts.

Paxton’s office did not reply to CNA’s request for comment.

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