JimVH wrote: 06 Jan 2025, 05:53
It’s 29f here this morning. It will be above freezing shortly and this pattern is supposed to last only three nights. The roads are dry and the sky is clear.
Yet my fellow Texas suburbanites have lost their minds. Someone just posted on a neighborhood website asking about tire chains. News reporters are bundled in sub zero clothing reporting from outdoors as if it’s the apocalypse. And once again, bread, milk, and TP are in high demand.
It’s almost fun to watch.
It's a frigid, arctic, 30° F here, officially. Here at the house it's 36 on the back porch, and 50 in the garage. There's frost on the mustard greens, but it's 71 in the house, so we're good.
I was headed to Lowes Saturday afternoon for a roll of plastic and a couple of foam insulation pool floatie things for some outside pipes, and my neighbor said "good luck with that". It was a busy place but I found what I needed.
The Indians will not bother you now, on account of ... you are touched.
JimVH wrote: 20 Jan 2025, 18:50
Our county sheriff just posted this. Glad to see a sense of humor.
There's about an inch of white stuff on my lawn this morning, and more still coming down. It's all that I can do this morning to convince my two grandsons here that goose hunting likely isn't good this morning; and now a buddy is texting, asking me if I want to woodcock hunt today. This blizzard has everyone excited.
The Indians will not bother you now, on account of ... you are touched.