FredS wrote: 08 Nov 2024, 06:26
Del wrote: 07 Nov 2024, 21:43
Wosbald wrote: 07 Nov 2024, 11:51
Nice try, Lao Che!
I have been foolish in taking your claims of fascism seriously. Nobody else did... and I mean many tens of millions of nobody elses.
Those ludicrous claims of fascism, Hitler, and "threat to democracy" are a big reason why legacy media no longer has any credibility -- and drove voters to vote MAGA. It was a
YUGE backfire. Folks everywhere were
laughing at the claim that Trump's rally at Madison Square Garden was a Nazi rally.
They can't insult the voters' intelligence like that and expect to win hearts and votes.
As suggested by the original point of this thread, words from trusted sources have very real effects. Everyone I know in the gay community is very scared. Mrs FredS had a college-age client yesterday who said the campus has been eerie this week - people walking around in silence, her roommates cried on election night. They believe the fascist-hitler-dictator-hater stuff the traditional media have been laying down. I think Wos does too. We shouldn't be casual in dismissing the fears of the left just as they shouldn't be casual in calling the right misogynistic racists. You see, pitting neighbor against neighbor and Catholic against Catholic is good for business. The execs at CNN and Fox will carry on as usual, the real question though is "Will we continue to buy it?"
Fred, I agree with you completely, but they aren't going to listen.
We're moving through this Earth in tents, in joyful hope of the resurrection. We aren't citizens of this world. I'm called to obey the earthly magistrate until his laws become incompatible with Christ's law. So we're cool regardless.
There are people hurting that need a hug right now. My daughter used to be scared of monsters. I didn't laugh at her or beat the crap out of her when she thought she saw one. I explained that there weren't any and let her cry it out. That's what I've been doing with my gay customers, particularly a lesbian couple. Not the time to preach. Time to tell them there's nothing to fear and they're safe around me and somebody starts any crap in my presence, I'll defend them.
There are people gloating that need to be told to calm it down a little/lot right now, too. Ive had to tell people to knock off the ku klux rally in the front room, that they disgrace the names their mother gave them saying the crap they're saying about the blacks, jews, Hispanics, and Asians that they think have it too easy in this country and that as lazy bastiges who loaf away their days smoking cigars collecting social security, they're no different than the people they're calling names.
My own personal theory is that the name of Trump manifests demons. A republican with demons hears the name and screeches hate at groups of people he doesnt like. A democrat with demons hears the name and screeches hate at groups of people he doesnt like. Either way, inhuman, disordered hate screeching.
There are so many more reasonable people, though, that are coming together and actually discussing the issues. They're the ones to talk to. They can think. Might make some Christians. I've sure been trying...some of my customers notice how calm I've been about the whole thing and I could explain to them that my Christianity let's me know that even if it isn't alright for my wants or needs, God has me covered and he's in control and we're going to be alright.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear. But trying to convince Del or Wosbald that those that bear the name of Christ should act in a different manner...dude. Shake the dust off your sandals. They're both screeching hate. Fast and pray instead.
Salt and light and sometimes pepper and if that doesn't work a good left hook. We'll be ok.