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The Right to Migrate

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Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-usa/2023/06/florida-confirms-shipping-migrants-to-catholic-charities-in-sacramento
Florida confirms shipping migrants to Catholic Charities in Sacramento


NEW YORK — Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis’s office has confirmed that it sent dozens of migrants directly to the offices of the Diocese of Sacramento Catholic Charities, justifying the act by pointing out that Catholic Charities gets funds from the federal government.

In a June 6 statement to Crux, the Florida Division of Emergency Management also highlighted that all of the migrants boarded planes to Sacramento voluntarily, and expressed a desire to go to California.

“Through verbal and written consent, these volunteers indicated they wanted to go to California,” reads the statement. “A contractor was present and ensured they all made it safely to a 3rd-party NGO. The specific NGO, Catholic Charities, is used and funded by the federal government.”

The Diocese of Sacramento Catholic Charities is a non-profit, and the organization acknowledges on its website that it has “state, federal, county and local funding contracts.”


The flights to Sacramento mirror an arrangement DeSantis made last September to fly 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, an upscale island off the coast of Massachusetts. In the statement to Crux, the Florida Division of Emergency Management emphasized that Florida is only one of many government entities that have flown or bused migrants to different locales nationwide.

As the immigration crisis at the southern border has ballooned in recent years, Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott has made it clear that his state shouldn’t bear brunt of the a crisis that should be addressed by the federal government, and in turn has bused more than 13,000 migrants to Democratic-led “sanctuary cities,” including New York City, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia.

Former Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and current Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs have sent 3,000 migrants to Washington D.C.

Oscar Leeser, the Democratic Mayor of El Paso, Texas, has also bused more than 13,000 migrants to New York City and Chicago. On a much smaller scale, New York Mayor Eric Adams, now former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock have also bused migrants to other locales.

“From left-leaning mayors in El Paso, Texas, and Denver, Colorado, the relocation of those illegally crossing the United States border is not new,” said the Florida Division of Emergency Management. “But suddenly, when Florida sends illegal aliens to a sanctuary city, it’s false imprisonment and kidnapping.”

It’s unclear who received the second plane of migrants to Sacramento, but the Diocese of Sacramento worked with local partners to receive the first and eventually get them in hotels while seeking to figure out the next steps, given that Sacramento wasn’t the migrants’ final destination.

Miriam Sammartino, the diocese’s director of Catholic Charities and Social Concerns, told Crux on June 5 that the manner of how the migrants arrived there was heartbreaking.

“I don’t believe the migrants themselves even understood that they were being brought to Sacramento, so that’s a priority for us,” said Sammartino.

“It just adds to a sense of cruelty. How are you going to move folks to a place that is potentially further away from where they needed to be?” she continued. “When you hear that the migrants in their mind are going to be processed and given the information, looking for help and for hope, and instead they’re given a location where they have no one to rely on … It’s completely heartbreaking.”

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Faith in the news

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4,876 Methodist Churches Leave the Pro-Abortion United Methodist Church

Also leaving for the denominations full-throated support for LGBT disorders.
According to the Catholic News Agency, 4,876 churches officially disaffiliated from the denomination this year, many of them joining the biblically-based Global Methodist Church.

Nearly one fourth of the churches in the UMC denomination have left in the past two years alone. The denomination reported 30,543 churches in the U.S. in 2019, and about 1,800 more congregations left last year, bringing the total to nearly 6,700 that have disaffiliated, the Christian Post reports.
This calls to mind the great split in the Baptist denomination over slavery.
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Faith in the news

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The Right to Migrate

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Source: LA Times
Link: latimes DOT com/world-nation/story/2023-06-10/migrants-say-florida-contractors-pushed-to-get-them-to-board-planes-to-california
Migrants say Florida contractors pushed to get them to board planes to California


EL PASO — María traveled more than 2,800 miles from Venezuela to reach the United States in early May. Once crossing the border, however, she made it only four blocks, to a shelter at Sacred Heart Church in downtown El Paso.

Like many asylum seekers released on parole by Customs and Border Protection, she had no money to pay for a plane or bus ticket, she said. She slept in the church shelter, then in the alley outside, for three weeks, until a woman approached and said she would fly María on a private plane to California.

“She said I should go, that there were people there to receive us who would give us lodging, that they would help us … get our [immigration] papers in order,” said María, who asked to be identified only by her first name, out of fear of repercussions from the woman.

What María didn’t know was that the woman was a contractor hired by the administration of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

María had found herself in the center of a political storm. Migrant flights and the national attention they’ve drawn are yet another chapter in the political fight over the border, with California officials vowing to investigate whether travelers were misled and the Florida governor doubling down on hard-line policies and a portrayal of himself as a culture warrior.

The contractor, along with another woman and two men, spent the afternoon walking around the church trying to recruit migrants like María to board a charter flight to California. María and other migrants said the contractors did not identify themselves beyond saying they were there to “help the migrants.”

Over two days, the contractors managed to recruit 16 migrants for a flight June 2 and 20 for a flight June 5 — whom they drove two hours west to a small airport in New Mexico for the trips to Sacramento.


In El Paso, three migrants who were approached by the contractors but decided not to go with them said the offers were vague and suspicious. They said that though the contractors appeared friendly, they pushed aggressively for migrants to board flights and insisted on seeing the documents border agents had given them.

When a Venezuelan woman told the contractors she didn’t want to go to California but was trying to get to New York, one told her that “people in California” would book her flights to New York once she landed, she said. The woman asked that her name not be used because she was unsure of the contractors’ identities and feared repercussions if they returned. Other migrants who turned down the contractors expressed similar fears.

María said the contractor who talked to her was insistent and kept telling her that she should board the plane. When María said no, because she wanted to stay in El Paso to make her court date, the contractor said she would “change her date” for her.

María worried that the mysterious contractors were drug traffickers — why else would they have a private plane? The contractor seemed to sense her nervousness.

“She told us not to be afraid — that she didn’t want to steal our hearts or our organs or anything,” María said.

Despite the woman continuing to push her to get on the plane, María turned her down. But she watched in anxiety as one of her friends went.

Imelda Maynard, an attorney with the Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico’s legal aid clinic, met with a family who chose to go with the contractors. She says the family — now clients of her organization — were offered help finding housing and jobs. The husband, wife and four young children on June 1 were driven in a rented van about two hours into New Mexico, where the contractors booked them rooms in a Super 8 motel and left.

According to Maynard, while the contractors reappeared the next morning to take some of the migrants to a private plane, they seemed unsure whether the family could travel with children and told the father to wait. Maynard says her clients waited in the motel until June 4, when one of the contractors suggested the father could fly alone the next day, and his family could join him later. The family asked instead to go back to El Paso. They were allowed to leave.

Maynard said the father told her his family had been treated well by the contractors; they had been fed and comfortably housed. Nonetheless, he was nervous about them coming to look for his family and stayed on the lookout. He was concerned that the contractors might have been drug traffickers.

María’s friend who had gone with the contractors called her from California. The friend said the contractor had driven them about two hours to a motel before returning the next day to take them to the airport, where, as promised, a private plane was waiting, according to María.

María said her friend told her that police interviewed the migrants as soon as they got off their June 2 flight, and that she and the others had met the governor of California. While confused at what was happening, the friend told María that the flight had been “normal,” and they’d arrived in California safely, as promised. María’s friend could not be reached to verify her experience.


Father Rafael García, the pastor of Sacred Heart, said he learned about the flights from the news, but it didn’t surprise him that the Florida contractors had chosen his 125-year-old church as a place to recruit migrants. The church and its shelter have appeared frequently in the news, and migrant arrivals in El Paso have reached record highs in the last year. Still, García was disappointed to learn what had happened.

“It’s immoral when you’re using deception to make a political point, or to make a scandal in the media,” García said. “You’re using people for an end, without respect to their dignity.”

The priest said that if the contractors returned to his church to recruit more migrants, he would take pictures of their cars and call police.

By the end of the week, the news of who was responsible for the charter flights had begun to spread among those at the Sacred Heart shelter. Luis Guerrero, a Venezuelan asylum seeker staying at the church, was offended when he learned that a politician had organized the flights as a form of protest.

“The truth is, I see it as a very bad thing, the way they used the migrants,” he said. “They don’t understand the reality here: that it was by necessity that we’ve traveled through all these dangers. The governor of Florida, of California or wherever should focus on fixing their own internal problems, and not use immigration, because we migrants aren’t the ones to blame here.”

However, to the migrants who turned down the free charter flights, it was obvious why others boarded. For some, it was the promise of lodging and help with their immigration cases. For others, it was simply a free ride to California, a state many want to reach but are unsure how.

Many migrants crossing the Texas border are unfamiliar with U.S. geography and unprepared for how expensive travel can be from El Paso to Chicago, Los Angeles or New York. The federal government does not offer funding or assistance with shelter or travel; nonprofits and local shelters for years have raised money to help migrants reunite with family.

In 2022, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began sending charter buses from the Texas border to Washington, New York and Chicago. While the buses were Abbott’s attempt at protesting Democrats’ policies on immigration, many migrants eagerly accepted the free ride away from the border.

But others have reported feeling confused about their destination. Many who accepted the DeSantis-organized flight to Martha’s Vineyard in 2022 told reporters they felt misled and taken advantage of — none had been trying to reach the island, which has little shelter space or immigration aid, prior to getting approached by Florida contractors.

In El Paso on Friday, Norman Manuel Martínez, an asylum seeker from Nicaragua, said he was disappointed he hadn’t had the chance to take one of the Sacramento flights. He arrived at Sacred Heart Church on Monday, after the last flight had left.

During his first week in the city, Martínez has struggled to raise money so he could reunite with his nephew in Los Angeles or a childhood friend in San Francisco. Men have come to the shelter in the morning offering day labor in the farmlands to the east, and Martínez spent two long days picking onions.

When asked if he would get on a charter flight if the contractors returned, his answer was immediate.

“Of course I would,” he said. “Of course I would.”

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The Right to Migrate

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Source: Religion News Service
Link: religionnews DOT com/2023/06/15/head-of-usccb-critiques-republican-governors-transporting-migrants/
Head of USCCB critiques Republican governors transporting migrants


'I suppose if they're transporting them to make a statement, then that seems to me to be problematic,” said Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio.

ORLANDO (RNS) — The head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops offered a thinly veiled critique on Thursday (June 15) of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and others who have transported immigrants out of Republican-run border states to Democratic strongholds, calling the practice “problematic.”

During a press conference at the spring gathering of the USCCB in Orlando, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, head of the USCCB as well as the Archdiocese for the Military Services, was asked by a reporter about Republican governors transporting migrants from states such as Texas to places such as California.

“I suppose if they’re transporting them to make a statement, then that seems to me to be problematic,” Broglio responded. “If you’re transporting them because those other states might be better able to respond to the immediate needs, well, then, that might be a way of responding to the problem. However, I suspect that it’s more to make a statement.”

Broglio added, “That would be the judgment on my part, which I’m really not necessarily capable of making.”

The remarks come in the wake of news that Florida paid to transport 36 mostly Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Sacramento earlier this month. According to the Associated Press, recruiters working for DeSantis, who is Catholic, targeted a Catholic Church in Texas — Sacred Heart Catholic Church in El Paso — to find asylum-seekers to fly to California on jets paid for by taxpayers.

The revelation triggered a rebuke from Bishop Mark Seitz, who oversees the Diocese of El Paso.

“Without going into the details of the politics of it, it does seem clear that they were being used not out of concern for the migrants but in an effort to make a political point,” Seitz told the Associated Press.

DeSantis claimed migrants voluntarily made the trip and signed waivers, but others, including California officials, have claimed the migrants were coerced.

In a separate interview on Thursday with Religion News Service, Seitz said Catholic staffers who work with immigrants in his diocese now warn migrants to be wary of recruiters like those linked to DeSantis. He said he sees “parallels” between the actions of Florida governor and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and human traffickers who prey on migrants, sometimes referred to as coyotes.

“In the past, we’ve had to tell them, ‘Beware of the coyotes.’ Now we’re having to say, ‘Beware of these people who will make you promises to take you someplace,’” Seitz said.

The bishop said he was troubled by the fact that DeSantis and Abbott, who is also Catholic, have participated in these acts while also invoking their faith in political contexts.

“When a person claims to be a Catholic, we assume that they are going to try and live according to Catholic teachings and Catholic principles,” Seitz said. “It is disturbing when they behave in a manner that really doesn’t respect these fundamental — really, gospel — principles, about the love of neighbor, the welcoming of the stranger, the care for those who are in need.”

Seitz was also critical of rhetoric that focused on immigrants as a potential threat, saying the framing falsely promotes the idea that “it’s almost as though we have numbers appear at our border, not people.”

He pointed to reports, which broke just hours earlier, that Abbott bused more than 40 migrants to Los Angeles on Thursday.

“He has to keep up with DeSantis,” he said.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom blasted the practice and implicitly challenged DeSantis’ faith, telling Fox News in an interview, “What kind of faith tradition allows for this dehumanization?”

Representatives for DeSantis’ campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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Faith in the news

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The people most guilty of using migrants as political pawns while doing absolutely nothing for them are.... wosbald's media reporters.

I really don't care how Biden, Pelosi, Abbott, DeSantis, Newsom, Hochul, Adams, and Bowser mangle up Biden's open-border policy. This is already a historical case study of the worst humanitarian crisis that a rich, free country can create sheerly by policy error and bureaucratic mismanagement.*

Catholic organizations and charities end up caring for the neglected migrant families in every city and town, whatever the case.

In Madison, my family supports a couple of these ministries: A charity healthcare clinic for the uninsured and a pregnancy care center. Both of these serve mostly Hispanic families. We don't ask about immigration status, but the Pregnancy Care Center connects some of the families in their care with pro-bono lawyers who can help with their immigration issues.

*In terms of quietly and steadily devastating millions of lives and families, this "strictly policy" crisis is second only to the Democrats' steadfast support for abortion. Historically, the border crisis perhaps ties with the Democrats' ardent support for slavery and segregation. Coming in fast is the Democrats' full-throated encouragement of LGBT lifestyles, gender-confusion and gender-transitions of kids in our schools.

There are also horrific case studies where bad policies exacerbated the effects of natural or man-made disasters (such as famine, pandemic, war, or a cruel dictator).
- The Irish Potato Famine
- Stalin's Holodomor in Ukraine
- Hitler's Holocaust
- FDR's internment of Japanese Americans
- Mao's Great Famine
- the world response to COVID

Biden's prolonged border crisis stands apart as the problem was easily avoidable and could be easily fixed. We could have a generously open yet well-managed immigration policy. But Biden's Democrats find the chaos and devastation works to their advantage.


No one was harmed by Florida's flying a few dozen homeless migrants from Texas to the "sanctuary city" of Sacramento. It is telling that Democrats find this to be the most pressing detail in this history.
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Source: National Catholic Reporter
Link: ncronline DOT org/news/us-bishops-vote-revise-health-care-directives-transgender-patients
US bishops vote to revise health care directives on transgender patients


The United States Catholic bishops voted June 16 to begin the process of revising their official directives for American Catholic health care institutions to mandate that Catholic facilities not provide gender-affirming medical treatment to transgender patients.

The bishops made that decision in a unanimous voice vote during their spring 2023 plenary assembly in Orlando, Florida. Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville, Texas, who chairs the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Doctrine, presented the agenda item before the vote.

Originally scheduled for June 15 but postponed because of time constraints, the bishops' vote is expected to align the directives with a doctrinal note the bishops released in March that focused on what the prelates called the "moral limits to technological manipulation of the human body."

The doctrine committee published that document, signaling the beginning of what could be a substantial change in how Catholic hospitals, clinics and facilities across the U.S. care for patients who are transgender and those diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Before the vote, several bishops expressed their hopes that the doctrine committee will consult widely with Catholic health care providers and others as it goes about revising the ethical and religious directives, or ERDs, which also include the bishops' mandates on issues that include end-of-life care and abortion.

Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, also called for consultation with people from the transgender community, noting the importance of listening to people.

San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy said that the bishops' health care directives are "meant to be a pastoral medical document to inform and guide" the nation's Catholic health care ministries.

Meanwhile, Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, said the doctrine committee listened to transgender people but added that there remains "a lack of clarity between what is authentic gender dysphoria and the gender ideology that in part is preying upon these people and increasing their suffering."

Flores said revising the directives on transgender care "is a sensitive matter and will require a wide consultation."

Following the vote to begin revising the health care directives, Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Military Services, the bishops' conference president, told Flores, "You have your work cut out for you."


Tobin told NCR that the March 20 doctrinal note reflected "limited consultation" with the transgender community. "You need to broaden that," he said, adding that he hopes the doctrine committee heard that message.

Olson, a member of the bishops' doctrine committee, told NCR that the committee consulted extensively with members of the transgender community. Olson said he also met with Dominican Sister of Peace Luisa Derouen, who has ministered among the transgender community since the 1990s.

"It involved a great deal of listening," said Olson, who declined to give a timeline as to when the doctrine committee might finish the revisions. He said the committee will proceed carefully. He described revising the directives as a "synodal" process that will require significant listening to show pastoral sensitivity and compassion to people while staying true to Catholic moral doctrine.


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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

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Source: America
Link: americamagazine DOT org/faith/2023/06/28/dolan-religious-liberty-immigrants-245596
Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. [Explainer, Opinion]


June 28, 2023 — A sad consequence of polarization over issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and transgenderism is that religious freedom — our first and most cherished liberty — has wrongly come to be seen by many in the United States as a partisan cause. To be sure, threats from the left to people who hold traditional beliefs on those issues are many, real and severe. But the Catholic Church is not a faction of the Republican Party, and Democrats are not the only ones who sometimes view the defense of religious freedom as a pothole instead of a stop sign.

Here in the Archdiocese of New York, the church can claim a special history of service to immigrants. It was here at the turn of the 20th century that St. Frances Cabrini, the patron saint of immigrants, helped our city’s rapidly growing Italian community navigate their new lives. Carrying on her legacy, our Catholic Charities ministries today still care for unaccompanied children and other newcomers who have come here, many fleeing violence, persecution and abject poverty.

The Catholic belief that immigrants must be met with compassion and care has deep roots in the Bible. It is part of the same life ethic that requires us to protect unborn children. We cannot offer a full witness to the sanctity of life if we fail to respect life in the womb, and the same is true of the human dignity of immigrants and other people in need. These commitments are inseparable.

And yet, now a few elected officials on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures are pushing legislation to stop any aid to, or government partnership with, churches and agencies like our own Catholic Charities, and are waging slanderous attacks against us for assisting newcomers, including refugees and asylum seekers.

Take the Secure the Border Act, which the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed. It would cut off funds that charities use to shelter immigrants and help them through our legal system. This may seem merely cruel rather than a religious freedom issue, until you see the special vitriol that some of the bill’s backers have directed at Catholic agencies engaged in this work.

At least one member of the House seems to think the law already makes it a crime to give an undocumented immigrant a hot meal or a place to sleep, and he wrote a bill to deny all federal funds to any charity that does not comply. Criminalizing the exercise of religion, or denying public resources to someone because they exercised their faith — now that would be a square violation of religious freedom.

Thoughtful people can and do criticize our flawed border policies. I sure do. But we people of faith — Jews, Christians, Muslims and others — also realize that we have a moral duty to welcome, clothe, feed and respect newcomers, no matter how they got here. And here in the United States, the government can’t punish us for that belief.

The faithful in other nations who suffer religious persecution far more than we do here — those in Nicaragua, China, Cuba and Nigeria, just to name a few — urge us to show fortitude in our defense of religious freedom, as they depend upon the example of America’s birthright of this liberty to stay strong in their plight.

So when we say that the government must respect religious freedom, both parties need to listen. It is not a right to be observed only when it is convenient and to be run over when it gets in the way. It is foundational and indispensable to our society.

It is an “American issue.”

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

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Wosbald wrote: 29 Jun 2023, 12:07 +JMJ+

Source: America
Link: americamagazine DOT org/faith/2023/06/28/dolan-religious-liberty-immigrants-245596
Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. [Explainer, Opinion]
I remember when Obama was President. The Catholic bishops had a special ministry that rescued and aided the victims of sex trafficking. The trafficking was especially bad on the border, even before Biden's disastrous policies handed full control over to the cartels. The Catholic ministry was by far the most effective, and the most cost-efficient, program for helping victims -- by just about every metric. Some federal dollars combined with the charitable contributions of many volunteers saved a lot of women and children.

Obama cut off the funds. He cut all association of funding and law enforcement and government assistance programs because the Catholic rescue ministry refused to encourage or refer trafficking victims for abortions. Protecting the abortion lobby was more important than helping victims.

Cardinal Dolan is right: Illegal immigration is already illegal. We can't stop it by making it more illegal (just as more gun-control laws won't stop the people who already break gun-control laws).

What we need is adequate border enforcement. Until control of our border is restored, we will need a flood of charity to handle the flood of illegal immigrants.

And as Catholics, we are going to provide what charity we can to help at least some of families in need. No matter what Obama or Biden or some strident Republican says or does to stop us.

I bet even Wosbald has donated a few bucks.
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Faith in the news

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Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-usa/2023/06/bishops-rebuke-house-dems-for-citing-faith-in-defense-of-abortion-rights
Bishops rebuke House Dems for citing faith in defense of abortion rights


NEW YORK — After more than 30 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives recently claimed the tenets of the faith “compel” them to defend abortion rights, multiple U.S. bishops’ conference chairmen have jointly rejected the argument, saying their rationale is “wrong and incoherent.”

“Members of Congress who recently invoked teachings of the Catholic faith itself as justifying abortion or supporting a supposed right to abortion grievously distort the faith,” the chairmen said in a statement. “It is wrong and incoherent to claim that the taking of innocent human life at its most vulnerable stage can ever be consistent with the values of supporting the dignity and wellbeing of those in need.”

Led by Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the representatives issued a joint statement with the claims on June 24, two days after the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which did away with a national right to abortion and put abortion law in the hands of the states.

The representatives’ statement emphasizes a portion of the Catechism of the Catholic Church that states “a human being must always obey the certain judgment of his [or her] conscience.” They also highlight the separation of church and state to say that laws should not impose the church’s pro-life stance on those who feel differently.

Further, the representatives make the case that the Catholic faith “unfailingly promotes the common good, prioritizes the dignity of every human being, and highlights the need to provide a collective safety net to our most vulnerable,” of which abortion services are a part.

“The fundamental tenets of our Catholic faith — social justice, conscience, and religious freedom — compel us to defend a woman’s right to access abortion,” the representatives statement reads. “We are committed to advocating for the respect and protection of those making the decision if and when to have children.”

The USCCB chairmen cited different sections from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, including line that “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception,” and another that the use of conscience “must be informed and moral judgment enlightened.”


The June 28 USCCB statement is signed by Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops; Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Chair of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities; and Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville, Chair of the USCCB Committee on Doctrine.

From their own perspectives, the bishops argue that while it is important for people to act in accordance with the conscience, conscience “is not a license to commit evil and take innocent lives,” and it “cannot and does not justify the act or support abortions.” They also argue that science supports their pro-life stance.

“We once again implore and pray for Congress to join us in working toward the true common good by prioritizing authentic, uplifting support for the vulnerable and marginalized, including mothers and families in need,” the USCCB chairmen said.

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