The Pope Francis Thread

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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Jocose » ... 87668?s=20

The usurper Jorge Bergoglio is planning that future conclaves to elect the pope include 25% laity & women religious

This would end the legitimacy of conclaves and any pope they elected

Only successors to the apostles can elect from among their own the successor to St. Peter
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Jocose » ... 56055?s=20

Look what Jorge Bergoglio the ever so merciful has done

What more proof do we need that he is a usurper -- no genuine Catholic would want to close down Masses

Only the enemies of the Church close down Masses
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Jocose » ... 55060?s=20

The usurper Jorge Bergoglio asks thousands of children to chant ‘nature is our future’ at Vatican event

A genuine pope would encourage children to say 'Christ is our future!'

As each day passes Jorge Bergoglio proves he's a phoney.
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Jocose » ... 57787?s=20

Will the world's bishops speak out with one voice against this clear abuse of power by Jorge Bergoglio against Bishop Strickland?

You mean like they did over the illegal removal of Bishop Torres?

They didn't say a word

If you're a Catholic bishop -- not a sham Bergoglian one -- don't expect your brother bishops to protect you from the tyrant

“The #Church exists not to redefine matters of faith,” said Bishop Joseph Strickland in August, “but to safeguard the Deposit of Faith as it has been handed down to us from Our Lord Himself through the apostles & the saints & martyrs.”
+Strickland is now removed by #PopeFrancis ... 53565?s=20

What were the "crimes"? The same question was asked about Bishop Daniel Fernandez Torres (indeed, he asked it himself), and the same crickets in response.

Tyranny pure and simple.
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Del »

Did you hear the story last year (June, 2022) about how Pope Francis slapped a bishop in France, forbidding him from ordaining any new priests?

It was reported well in CRUX. I'm surprised Wosbald didn't bring it to our attention.
Suspension of ordinations in France an unprecedented surprise

Basically, a faithful bishop was drawing holy young men from all over France (and Canada), asking to serve in his diocese. He was especially welcoming to those who were devoted to worship in the Latin Mass. There were even new monasteries and religious orders who wanted to establish in his diocese.

Well, Francis found out....
Last year, Pope Francis tightened permissions for celebration of the pre-Vatican II Latin Mass, the use of which had been liberalized under his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. [Benedict allowed any priest to celebrate Mass under either form.]

According to the papal decree Traditionis Custodes, which enforces the restrictions, priests who wish to celebrate the 1962 liturgy must now get permission from their bishop to continue doing so. Any priest ordained after the issuance of the new norms who wishes to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass must submit a formal request to their bishop, and the bishop in turn will consult with the Vatican before granting permission.

[emphasis added]
In so many words -- too many young priests wanted to celebrate the Latin Mass. Too many to suit Francis, anyway.

They came of age during Benedict's liberal freedom to worship in Tridentine Latin or Novus Ordo. These were the young men from the large families who discovered the truth and beauty of reverent worship, and they just want to share it. The good stuff!
Pipeson reminded me that France was the origin of Lefebvre and the SSPX. So I guess it's prudent for Francis to look into this. But a blanket slap-down on all ordinations is something you do after gross abuses are found -- not before any are found.

As of Nov. 2023, the restriction still stands. Rome has not responded to inquiries as to why or how long. Lots of vague rumors, though....
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The Pope Francis Thread

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Our pastor brought up the issue of Bishop Strickland in today's sermon. A lot of our parish members are fans of Bishop Strickland and his vibrant internet ministry, including our pastor.

He did not say that quiet part out loud: Francis is a bad pope. Whether through malice of heart or stubborn ignorance of his flock, he continues to assert policies that confuse and enrage the faithful.

Father did say that confusion and anger are exactly what Satan wants. He wants our disobedience. He wants our rage. He wants more schisms. He wants faithful Catholic families to leave their Church and Faith behind them.

The Church as endured bad popes many times before. We've always had bad bishops among us, foolish and even wicked men. Keep the faith.
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Jocose » ... 90307?s=20

My comment to Neil W. McCabe

'The removal of Bishop Strickland by Jorge Bergoglio seems to signal a new phase of his heretical revolution in the Catholic Church — the illegal removal of a bishop for publicly challenging his agenda. Normally a pope will only remove a bishop for serious crimes, moral misbehaviour or heresy, but things have come to pass in the Catholic Church when a bishop has been removed for upholding Catholic doctrine.

All heretical revolutions enter this phase when the heresiarchs attempt to enforce their erroneous teaching on the Church — the Arians evicted St Athanasius five times from his diocese, Henry VIII evicted and arrested Bishop John Fisher from his diocese before executing him and the Calvinists evicted the Bishop of Geneva and his Chapter of Canons from their cathedral.

As a friend concluded on hearing this news that has upset and angered Catholics across the world, the removal of Bishop Strickland proves that Jorge Bergoglio "is against sound Catholic doctrine and is the enemy of the faithful catholics."'
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Del »

I'm not sure that there's much reason left to publicly complain about Francis anymore.

He has shown his colors clearly this year. He has run out of defenders among the faithful Catholics.

Good priests and bishops just need to lay low and keep quiet until nature takes its course.

And let's not ever make another Jesuit pope.
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 13 Nov 2023, 09:55[…]

[Pope Francis] has run out of defenders among the faithful Catholics.

Good priests and bishops just need to lay low and keep quiet until nature takes its course.

Faithful Catholics, by definition, never resolve to cease being faithful to the Pope.

Anything less — far from being Chestertonian Paradox — is nothing but flat, confused contradiction.


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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 13 Nov 2023, 10:38 +JMJ+
Del wrote: 13 Nov 2023, 09:55[…]

[Pope Francis] has run out of defenders among the faithful Catholics.

Good priests and bishops just need to lay low and keep quiet until nature takes its course.

Faithful Catholics, by definition, never resolve to cease being faithful to the Pope.

Anything less — far from being Chestertonian Paradox — is nothing but flat, confused contradiction.

Tell that to St. Catherine of Sienna. Or St. Paul.
Do you really believe that Catholics have to fall in line with every stupid thing a Pope says? That I don't have to be faithful in my marriage, just because Francis is giving away free passes?

I thought only silly Evangelicals believed that. At least they have the innocence of honest ignorance.

I'm glad at least that you have repented of the sedevacantist views of your youth.

For now, we do have to submit to Francis's onerous suppression of Latin Mass worship.
But I don't have to assent to Francis's opinion that the Latin Mass is only for nostalgic elderly Catholics and angry, rebellious schismatics. He is gravely misguided, and I can say that.

As for his silent approval of those who nod for LGBT sins, I simply shrug "Who am I to judge?"

Like St. Catherine, I do not advise anger and rebellion. We should lay low, keep the faith, and wait for the Holy Spirit to act in His time.
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