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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Posted: 08 Jul 2023, 15:50
by Wosbald

Title: Why Republicans Keep Calling for the End of Birthright Citizenship [Explainer, Opinion]
Source: The Atlantic
Link: theatlantic DOT com/ideas/archive/2023/07/birthright-citizenship-trump-desantis-2024/674583/

The Money-Quote:
When Trump first promised to undo birthright, I was primarily concerned about how immigrants and their U.S.-born children would be harmed by such a change. Today, this worry still figures importantly in my mind, but my concerns have grown broader. Calls to undo birthright, though couched in terms of immigration reform, ultimately aim to undo a key precept of our democracy: equitable access to citizenship. Birthright sets an even bar when it comes to being a citizen — all those born here are subject to the same threshold test, no matter whom they descended from. It ensures that, for those born in the United States, citizenship will not be conferred depending on their politics, race, faith, culture, gender, or sexuality. Birthright safeguards those born here from political leaders who would mete out citizenship as a reward or withhold it as a punishment.

The wielding of citizenship as a weapon is precisely what the Fourteenth Amendment was designed to prevent. In 1868, birthright undid the Dred Scott decision. It ensured that the right of Black Americans to belong to this nation was neither open to debate nor susceptible to shifting political whims. Since its ratification, the Fourteenth Amendment has guaranteed the belonging of some of the most vulnerable among us, including generations of children born to immigrant parents. It has protected marginalized, despised, and unpopular people who, when born here, do not need to fear exile or banishment. Birthright citizenship has always been a solution rather than a problem, and our democracy depends on it remaining just that.

The News & Topicality Thread

Posted: 08 Jul 2023, 16:21
by Biff
The Atlantic? There are zero 'money quotes' on the Atlantic. Commie scum that they are.

The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Posted: 11 Jul 2023, 10:21
by Wosbald

Source: CNN
Link: cnn DOT com/2023/07/08/us/texas-floating-barrier-migrants-lawsuit/index.html
Texas sued over plan to deploy floating barrier on Rio Grande to curb border crossings


CNN — The owner of a Texas canoe and kayaking company filed a lawsuit on Friday seeking to stop the installation of a marine floating barrier on the Rio Grande, claiming Gov. Greg Abbott has no right to regulate the border.

The lawsuit was filed on the same day that Texas started deploying buoys for the barrier in an attempt to deter migrant crossings on the river along the US–Mexico border.

The suit lists the state of Texas and Abbott, as well as the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas National Guard. CNN has reached out to Abbott’s office for comment.

“Our lawsuit seeks to protect communities on the Texas–Mexico border from Governor Abbott’s misleading politics,” said attorney Carlos Flores, who represents plaintiff Jessie Fuentes, the owner of Epi’s Canoe & Kayak Team Llc.


--> --> WATCH: 'Shameful!': Texas lawmaker slams Abbott's latest immigration plan [Video: 2 min]
--> --> Link to Video: cnn DOT com/videos/politics/2023/07/08/veronica-escobar-texas-floating-barrier-rio-grande-greg-abbott-acostanr.cnn


Abbott, a longtime critic of the Biden administration’s border policies, announced the plan to install the 1,000-foot floating barrier last month.

The lawsuit alleges the buoys will prevent Epi’s and Fuentes, the company’s owner-operator, from conducting tours and canoe and kayak sessions in the border town Eagle Pass, causing “imminent and irreparable harm to EPI.”

The suit accuses the Republican governor of misapplying the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 to justify the buoy system — which “has no logical connection to the purpose of the Disaster Act, which is to respond to ‘the occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property resulting from any natural or man-made cause.’ ”

Abbott, the suit said, cannot “create his own border patrol agency to regulate the border and prevent immigrants from entering Texas.”

Additionally, the US Constitution and federal statues do not empower Texas with authority to enforce immigration laws, according to the suit.

The suit said the buoys “represent a hateful policy that intends to create the impression that Mexicans, immigrants, and Mexican Americans … are dangerous.” The floating devices also will prevent Epi’s from conducting tours and canoe and kayak sessions in Eagle Pass, according to the suit.

Flores said the lawsuit, which seeks a temporary and permanent injunction, was filed on Friday before the buoys were installed in the Rio Grande.

Abbott posted a 15-second video to Twitter showing buoys being loaded from trailers that would be deployed near Eagle Pass. The Texas Department of Public Safety is overseeing the deployment, the governor said in the tweet Friday.

During last month’s announcement, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Col. Steven McCraw touted the buoy barrier could be “quickly deployed” and said it’s mobile. He explained the buoy would be anchored to the bottom of the waterway, adding the buoys are roughly 4 to 6 feet in height depending on the water level.

The new barrier comes after a series of migrant drownings in the Rio Grande River in recent days left four people dead, including an infant, officials said.


Immigrant rights advocates have attributed the rise in deaths at the border to policies that have made it more difficult for migrants to seek refuge in the US.

The News & Topicality Thread

Posted: 11 Jul 2023, 13:30
by Hovannes
A Fresno boy tells it like it is:

The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Posted: 13 Jul 2023, 08:31
by Wosbald

Title: Immigrant advocates announce federal lawsuit against Florida's so-called "anti-migrant" law
Source: CBS News Miami
Link: cbsnews DOT com/miami/news/immigration-advocates-lawusit-senate-bill-1718/

The Money-Quotes:
"This lawsuit is going to seek an injunction, looking to stop the implementation of Section 10," said Paul Chavez, a senior supervising attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of five pro-immigrant organizations challenging SB1718 in a federal lawsuit.

He refers to the section where …

… a person commits a third-degree felony when he or she knowingly and willfully transports into this state an individual whom the person knows or reasonably should know has entered the united states in violation of the law and has not been inspected by the federal government since his or her unlawful entry from another country.

So why was Section 10 picked for the first lawsuit against SB1718?

"In this lawsuit, we are arguing that section is unconstitutional on its base, we don't need any facts, we don't need anybody to be arrested," said Chavez.

The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 00:51
by Wosbald

Title: What to know about Texas Gov. Abbott's floating buoy barrier along Rio Grande
Source: El Paso Times
Link: elpasotimes DOT com/story/news/politics/2023/07/15/texas-gov-greg-abbott-receives-pushback-on-rio-grande-buoy-barrier/70413890007/

The Money-Quote:
U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar is criticizing a move by Gov. Greg Abbott to deploy a floating barrier in the Rio Grande as a "dangerous stunt" that will endanger migrants at the U.S.–Mexico border.

Escobar sent a letter, alongside seven other Texas congressional Democrats, to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken alleging that Abbott's aquatic barrier along the river border in Eagle Pass, Texas, is a potential violation of international law.

"Gov. Abbott's installation of floating barriers in the Rio Grande to deter migrant crossings is yet another dangerous stunt that prioritizes political posturing over the safety and well-being of both Texans and migrants," the lawmakers wrote in the letter. "Instead of notifying and collaborating with the appropriate federal agencies — such as the International Boundary and Water Commission, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , and the Department of Homeland Security — Gov. Abbott continues to undermine the federal government by misusing state resources to interfere with federal immigration and security responsibilities.

"Gov. Abbott is not only wasting taxpayer dollars with these stunts … he is once again choosing inhumane and dangerous practices that intimidate, endanger, and hurt migrants and their families and put CBP personnel at risk."

The letter states that the first segment of the barrier, being installed in Eagle Pass, is expected to cost $1 million.

"We urge the DOJ and DOS to take immediate action regarding this matter and the potential violations and obstructionism," the letter states.

The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 08:26
by Del
Wosbald wrote: 16 Jul 2023, 00:51 +JMJ+
What to know about Texas Gov. Abbott's floating buoy barrier along Rio Grande

Gov. Abbott continues to undermine the federal government
This is a fascinating paradox.

When the federal government's current Establishment refuses to enforce its most basic of federal laws and duties (i.e., border security), and a State takes over that duty in order to protect its citizens....

Is the State undermining the Federal Government? Or are they supporting the Federal Government, in spite of an incompetent and corrupt regime?

We shall see some courts considering this question.

The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 09:16
by Wosbald

Title: Mexico files diplomatic complaint over Gov. Greg Abbott’s floating border barriers
Source: Texas Tribune
Link: texastribune DOT org/2023/07/15/mexico-border-buoys/

The Money-Quote:
The Mexican government plans to send an inspection team to see if Texas’ buoys have crossed into Mexico’s side of the border.

Mexico’s incoming secretary of foreign affairs, Alicia Bárcena, said Friday that Texas’ deployment of buoys on the Texas–Mexico border to prevent migrants from crossing the Rio Grande are a violation of water treaties between the U.S. and Mexico.

Bárcena told reporters that the Mexican government sent a diplomatic letter to the U.S. on June 26 stating the barriers are in violation of a 1944 water treaty, Reuters reported. The Associated Press reported Friday that Bárcena plans to send an inspection team to the Rio Grande to see if the barrier extends into Mexico's side of the border and if it impedes the flow of water, which would violate the treaty.

The News & Topicality Thread

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 05:51
by gaining_age
Biff wrote: 08 Jul 2023, 16:21 The Atlantic? There are zero 'money quotes' on the Atlantic. Commie scum that they are.
seems like this title fits the OP better than the hijacked one.....Wos, can you let it be?

Antisemitism / Fascism

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 12:27
by Wosbald

Source: The Atlantic
Link:theatlantic DOT com/ideas/archive/2023/07/rfk-kennedy-covid-anti-semitism/674727/
The Most Shocking Aspect of RFK Jr.’s Anti-Semitism [News Analysis, Video]


What’s surprising isn’t that Kennedy voiced an anti-Jewish conspiracy, but that it took this long.

JULY 16, 2023 — Last week, at a dinner event in Manhattan, the Democratic primary candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shared his unvarnished thoughts about the nature of the coronavirus. “There’s an argument that it is ethnically targeted,” he explained, in remarks captured on video. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” To be sure, Kennedy added, “we don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not.” In other words, Kennedy apparently believes it is an open question whether the pandemic was engineered by a shadowy cabal to spare Chinese and Jewish people.


--> --> WATCH: RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews [Video: 2 min]
--> --> Link to Video: nypost DOT com/2023/07/15/rfk-jr-says-covid-was-ethnically-targeted-to-spare-jews/


At least 1 million people in China have died from COVID-19; far from being immune to the virus, Jews in places like New York were often unfairly accused of spreading it. As a Jew who had his own bout with the coronavirus, Kennedy’s claims were news to me. But given the source, they also weren’t a surprise. That’s because Kennedy is a conspiracy theorist, and the arc of conspiracy is short and bends toward the Jews.

Here is just a small sampling of what Kennedy believes: that radiation from wireless internet causes cancer; that chemicals in the water supply are producing gender dysphoria; that the CIA killed both his father and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy; that antidepressants cause today’s mass shootings; that George W. Bush stole the 2004 presidential election; and that your phone’s 5G connection is part of a plot “to harvest our data and control our behavior.”

Seen in the context of Kennedy’s career, what’s surprising is not his foray into anti-Semitism but that it took him this long to arrive here. As I’ve written before:
Anti-Semitism is arguably the world’s oldest and most durable conspiracy theory. It presents Jews as the string-pulling puppet masters behind the world’s political, economic, and social problems. For those seeking simple solutions to life’s complexities, this outlook offers a ready-made explanation — and enemy. Anyone seeking a single source for society’s travails may start with run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories but will soon end up parroting anti-Jewish ideas.
Because anti-Semitism has produced centuries of material pinning humanity’s problems on its Jews, a person convinced that an invisible hand is conducting world affairs will eventually discover that it belongs to an invisible Jew.

For this reason, it is impossible to circulate on the conspiratorial fringe and not encounter anti-Semitism. This is why Kennedy has constantly found himself in the company of those who believe and express anti-Jewish ideas. Last week, he trumpeted his meeting with the rapper Ice Cube, a fellow conspiracy theorist who has a long history of bizarre anti-Semitic tweets and song lyrics. In the past, Kennedy has also made common cause with the hate preacher Louis Farrakhan, who regularly rails against alleged Jewish control of media and government.

That Kennedy would ultimately echo the anti-Semitic assumptions of his conspiratorial cohort was inevitable. Indeed, he is far from the first traveler on the well-trodden path from conspiracism to outright anti-Semitism. In recent years, individuals as diverse as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kyrie Irving, and Elon Musk have graduated from garden-variety conspiracy theories to anti-Jewish arguments. Even the content of Kennedy’s COVID-19 conjecture isn’t original: Jews have been blamed for spreading plagues for centuries, most famously during Europe’s Black Death.

Over the weekend, Kennedy furiously tweeted denials and clarifications, insisting that he meant only that COVID served “as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons,” not that “the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered,” though he’d clearly raised that exact possibility in his original remarks.

Kennedy himself has no prior history of anti-Semitism, and has never evinced personal prejudice toward Jewish people. But his conspiratorial compass ensured that he would eventually arrive at this destination, because it points in only one direction.