Guns. That's what's happening.

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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Hovannes »

My .38 is a 5 shot stainless, hammerless S&W with a 1-7/8" barrel I've had for the past 30 or so years.
The one real improvement aside from a bit more generous Pachmayer rubber stocks, was applying milady's red nail polish to the front sight to keep it more visible in bright conditions, like at the outdoor range at 7:00 AM
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by FredS »

Daughter #2, describing the Turkish shooter in the Olympics, in comparison to his competitors - "He looked like you. Like you just walked in off the streets and decided to enter the competition."

In his 5th trip to the Olympics, 51 year old Yusuf Dikec won silver in the 10m air pistol mixed team event.

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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by joegoat »

Anybody see the new Diamondback revolvers? Pretty cool! I carry a gen 3 Glock 26 all the time, but absolutely love snubnose revolvers.
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Hovannes »

"Prov'dence don't fire no blank ca'tridges, boys."
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Hovannes »

"Prov'dence don't fire no blank ca'tridges, boys."
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Bloodhound »

So I found myself wanting a Beretta 96G like I carried for a while in my Deputy Sheriffing days. They have gotten really pricy! I found one that had night sights installed (Former Cop Gun) but the sights had burned out...not a problem for me, and I got the gun for cheap because of it. The gun got here, but it has been 16 years since I owned a .40 cal no ammo, no dies and no bullets.

I have dies and bullets on their way, I have lots of .40 for now the Beretta is just sitting in the safe waiting for USPS to bring me packages. Yes I could go to the store and buy a box of ammo...but can't bring myself to spend $40 for 50 rounds, when I can load 50 rounds for $8... ;)
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Hovannes »

Bloodhound wrote: 23 Aug 2024, 15:45 So I found myself wanting a Beretta 96G like I carried for a while in my Deputy Sheriffing days. They have gotten really pricy! I found one that had night sights installed (Former Cop Gun) but the sights had burned out...not a problem for me, and I got the gun for cheap because of it. The gun got here, but it has been 16 years since I owned a .40 cal no ammo, no dies and no bullets.

I have dies and bullets on their way, I have lots of .40 for now the Beretta is just sitting in the safe waiting for USPS to bring me packages. Yes I could go to the store and buy a box of ammo...but can't bring myself to spend $40 for 50 rounds, when I can load 50 rounds for $8... ;)
My nephew has a .40 Beretta, ex-cop gun. He was fortunate to get it before Newsom screwed up CA.
"Prov'dence don't fire no blank ca'tridges, boys."
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Hovannes »

FredS wrote: 05 Aug 2024, 12:01 Daughter #2, describing the Turkish shooter in the Olympics, in comparison to his competitors - "He looked like you. Like you just walked in off the streets and decided to enter the competition."

In his 5th trip to the Olympics, 51 year old Yusuf Dikec won silver in the 10m air pistol mixed team event.

All that hardware really does is provide a diopter to make focusing on the iron sights a bit easier--like when you flunk reading the chart at the optometrist and they give you a paddle with a tiny hole in it to look through to try again.
"Prov'dence don't fire no blank ca'tridges, boys."
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Hovannes »

I learned to shoot at an early age and the very first gun I shot was a "church gun" handed down from a great uncle who was a priest, Fr. Joe, in the little farming town of Sanger, California. It was a single shot .410 bore Iver Johnson Champion, circa 1915. The story goes that before the stained glass could be paid for and installed there weren't any windows in the church and the little shotgun was used to discourage roosting birds. Apparently, Fr. Joe was a skilled shot as there are no stories about any damage to the lath and plaster church interior. He also did some hunting as quail and dove are bountiful in the San Joaquin Valley, and that would give evidence to Fr. Joe's prowess with the little gun---a .410 is a challenging gun to hunt with----a miniscule shot swarm launched out of a tightly choked barrel shows no mercy, you're either exactly on your (moving) target or it's a miss.
When I came along, it was the gun my dad had with the least kick so that's what I learned on.
Today, experts would say that it's far too frustrating for a beginner, but I didn't know the difference, so it didn't matter----I was just happy to be out in the field with my dad and that trim little "church gun" was my gateway to a lifelong love affair with all things shotgun.
"Prov'dence don't fire no blank ca'tridges, boys."
--- Mark Twain in Roughing It
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Guns. That's what's happening.

Post by Hovannes »

"Prov'dence don't fire no blank ca'tridges, boys."
--- Mark Twain in Roughing It
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