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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Title: The State of Texas Isn’t Just Creating Chaos and Cruelty at the Border — It’s Trying to Break the Things That Work [Analysis]
Source: Immigration Impact
Link: immigrationimpact DOT com/2024/03/01/the-state-of-texas-isnt-just-creating-chaos-and-cruelty-at-the-border-its-trying-to-break-the-things-that-work/

The Money-Quote:
Taken together, this isn’t simply a battle between Texas and the federal government, or between red and blue states. Texas is not only trying to impose its will from below on the Biden administration, but trying to impose its will from above on communities — both inside and outside Texas — that want to come together to welcome and support new arrivals. It’s taking a stand against El Paso, which continues to take pride in its identity as a welcoming community, and against the generations of volunteers who have come together to express their faith — in their religion or in America — by serving those in need. It is acting on the belief that cruelty is the only acceptable response to migrants, and that anything else is illegal.

By doing this, Texas is trying to eliminate one of America’s strongest bulwarks against chaos at the US–Mexico border. Civil-society organizations — especially in Texas — have long played an essential role in receiving migrants from federal custody when the government determines it can (or should) no longer detain them. These organizations give real shoes to people wearing government-issued flip-flops, help people understand official documents handed to them in languages they can’t read, and work to figure out how to get people to their ultimate destinations in the United States. They have been the only alternative to abandoning migrants to the streets in an unfamiliar country, with nowhere to sleep and no way to ask for help.

When Governor Greg Abbott started sending buses of new arrivals to Washington, D.C. in 2022, he claimed he wanted to alleviate the burden that cities in Texas were feeling by having to shelter new arrivals. Now, he is trying to shut down the places that have been working to solve that problem at the grassroots level for decades. The fight against Annunciation House, if it succeeds, would spell big trouble for the Texans who have devoted their lives to welcoming as an American value. In other words, it reveals the ugly truth that Abbott, Paxton, and the rest of the Texas government aren’t really trying to protect Texans at all.
Last edited by Wosbald on 19 Mar 2024, 17:15, edited 2 times in total.

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The Right to Migrate

Post by Wosbald »


Source: Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Link: catholicaoc DOT org/news/from-the-archbishop/letter-to-the-faithful-regarding-migrants-and-refugees
Letter to the Faithful Regarding Migrants & Refugees


From the desk of The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr — Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

There is no doubt we live in polarized times. Virtually every topic seems to be fodder for political division. In such times, our Catholic faith can be tested even more intensely than usual, especially when our faith runs up against public policy. Of course, Catholic teaching is not just for the United States in the 21st century; it is universal and enduring. When we strive to live our Catholic faith and pursue the common good, our work can alternatively be praised or attacked … and sometimes both at the same time.

We experience this dynamic regularly in our advocacy for the unborn and pregnant mothers in need, for example. Now, we are facing vitriolic backlash online and even in some mainstream media for our care for our migrant brothers and sisters who, like everyone else in our communities, are children of God.

Our nation has a broken immigration system. Our nation’s migration and border policies fail us. For decades, the U.S. Catholic bishops have urged Congress and administrations of both parties to revamp immigration law and processes in a way that restores order and promotes human dignity. To be clear, this does not mean that we condone unlawful immigration or advocate for open borders. However, in the midst of a broken system and broken world, we do always advocate for every person’s God-given dignity.

As faithful Catholics, we have a responsibility to carefully discern between provocative narratives and the truth of the Church’s work with migrants and refugees in need. The objectification of any human being or set of human beings is not in keeping with the commandment to love one another.

Through our parishes, schools, and social services agencies in which migrants find themselves, the Church provides an opportunity for us to leave behind political agendas and offer the goodness of basic human interactions inspired by the faith and charity which come from God. Any of the thousands of volunteers and supporters who help make our humanitarian work possible can attest to the great gift this has provided for their own faith journeys and our communities. Working with migrants and refugees is a wonderful way to put our Catholic faith into action, just as is serving any other person in need.

The types of services for which migrants are eligible varies greatly depending on their immigration status. In providing support for migrants and refugees, it is important to clarify what the Church does and does not do, especially through our local charitable agencies, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio and Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley.
  • We provide humanitarian assistance to anyone who comes through our doors should we have a service for them. This may involve food assistance, case management and mental health counseling, all supported through private philanthropy.
  • We do not aide or assist in any unauthorized entry into the United States.
  • We provide legal refugee resettlement. This federal program, which has existed for over 40 years, partners with local agencies to resettle those who have been identified by the United Nations and thoroughly vetted by the U.S. government. “Refugee” is a formal designation given to a minority of U.S. migrants who have demonstrated a well-founded fear of persecution for their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. When a refugee is qualified for permanent resettlement, it is established through multiple federal agencies that they cannot return to their country of origin and that they pose no threat to our national security. Our agencies transparently receive federal and local funds to assist in this work.
  • We provide case management services to unaccompanied minors to ensure that they are safe and free from exploitation and human trafficking. Those children that receive these services are placed by the federal government in our area, and we have no role in directing them here. Our Catholic Charities is assigned their cases and receives federal funds to assist in this work as well.
    If you have a concern about immigration law or practice, please address it with your government representatives. But always remember your deepest calling as Christians: “whatever you did for one of these least brothers [and sisters] of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr
Archbishop of Cincinnati
March 4, 2024

P.S. If you would like to learn more about this topic, please consult the following resources:
  • Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio’s “Frequently Asked Questions on Catholic Charities and Migrants”
  • Catholic Charities USA’s “FAQ’s on Our Service to Immigrants”
  • U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants Campaign

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Source: Dallas Morning News
Link: dallasnews DOT com/opinion/commentary/2024/03/04/annunciation-house-makes-the-crisis-at-the-border-better-not-worse/
Annunciation House makes the crisis at the border better, not worse [Analysis, Opinion]


Nonprofit’s mission, grounded in the Catholic faith, is at risk by the state’s legal action.

Mar 4, 2024 — As long as the United States is a destination for migrants, we’ll need organizations like El Paso’s Annunciation House.

For nearly 50 years, Annunciation House has cared for our fellow human beings, demonstrating love and compassion in the face of changing migrant flows and stubbornly unchanging immigration policies. This is why the George W. Bush Institute honored Annunciation House and its executive director, Ruben Garcia, in 2021.

Annunciation House models the best of America’s welcoming spirit. Its role is at risk, however, due to recent legal action by the state of Texas.

Annunciation House is a nonprofit whose mission is grounded in the Catholic faith practiced by its founders. Like hundreds of other nonprofits along the U.S.–Mexico border, it welcomes strangers to our country, providing temporary shelter, safety, and meals. These organizations are often the only services available to migrants, who do not qualify for any government-funded entitlement programs.

This work is outside of our formal immigration system and yet incredibly vital to it. The U.S. federal government makes and enforces our immigration laws. Compassionate organizations and individual Americans are beacons of light for the migrants who make it to the United States.

Over the decades of its existence, Annunciation House and other migrant-serving nonprofits along the U.S.–Mexico border have seen the changing dynamics of migrant arrivals. Migrants used to be single adult men, primarily from Mexico, seeking work. Over the last decade, increasing numbers of women, and families and unaccompanied children have arrived at the border. Migrants come not just from Mexico or Central America — asylum-seekers from across the globe now find their way to nonprofits at the border.


The United States can and should modernize our immigration system to better reflect immigration reality today. The United States needs more green cards for workers at all skill levels to fill open jobs and help fuel America’s economic engine. Increasing the number of green cards available could divert some economic migrants from the border, keeping them out of the overwhelmed asylum system and helping fill gaps in our labor force at the same time.

The United States should reform asylum processes as well, quickly adjudicating cases so that migrants who qualify can begin rebuilding their lives. Migrants who don’t qualify deserve to know within a matter of months, not years, if they will not be allowed to stay in the United States.

Policymakers should also explore better legal pathways for the vulnerable. Refugee processing is incredibly secure, but the process to be resettled in the United States is too lengthy to provide adequate safety for some, motivating them to cross the border on their own. The parole programs started for certain Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Haitians and Cubans have been mostly successful in preventing migrants from taking a dangerous journey to the border. It’s an imperfect solution, but it illustrates how creative policies might work to divert migrants away from the border and into other lawful pathways.

These policy solutions are a good start, but even if they are implemented, we’ll still need organizations like Annunciation House at the border. Migrants will continue to be attracted to the freedom and opportunity in the United States. No amount of tough enforcement will change that.

Migrants don’t travel thousands of miles because a nonprofit might provide them a place to shower and sleep. They come for a chance to live the American dream and feel hopeful about their future again.

Annunciation House doesn’t make or enforce immigration law. It doesn’t pick and choose which migrants the U.S. government will consider deserving of the chance to stay.

Annunciation House performs a vital mission serving the poor and vulnerable. Organizations like it represent the best of American hospitality and generosity, and we will all be worse off if they are not allowed to carry out that mission.

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism | Breaking News

Post by Wosbald »


Source: Texas Tribune
Link: texastribune DOT org/2024/03/07/texas-el-paso-migrant-shelter-investigation-hearing-judge/
El Paso judge says he’s concerned that Ken Paxton has “ulterior political motives” in migrant shelter probe


The judge will make a ruling soon on whether Annunciation House is obligated to release all the documents the attorney general’s office has demanded.

EL PASO — A state judge admonished a lawyer for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton during a court hearing Thursday, saying that he is worried that the state’s investigation into an El Paso migrant shelter may be politically motivated.

District Court Judge Francisco Dominguez of El Paso made his comments during a hearing on whether Annunciation House, a network of migrant shelters, has to hand over documents the attorney general has demanded. Dominguez interrupted Ryan Baasch, a Texas assistant attorney general, during his closing arguments to dispute the state’s characterization of its investigation.

Baasch said the case has unnecessarily escalated and the documents the state has asked for are “innocuous material.” He said state officials have offered to negotiate with Annunciation House.

“This is the part where you’re starting to offend my intelligence. You did not offer to negotiate. You did not offer to act in good faith,” Dominguez interrupted Baasch from the bench.

Dominguez continued by saying that Paxton’s office was “rude and unprofessional” when it made its demands for Annunciation House’s documents. He said that from “day one all I’ve heard is a willingness to comply” from Annuncaition House “so that everyone’s interests are protected.”

“There was no attempt whatsoever to negotiate by the attorney general, which is what gives the court rise for concern that there are ulterior political motives here taking place that go outside of what the law requires, go outside of what the law demands,” Dominguez added.

Baasch responded by saying the state’s request for the documents “may seem to impose a significant burden” on Annunciation House but that state law requires a quick response.

Dominguez said that he would make a ruling on whether Annunciation House has to release the specific records the state is asking for as soon as possible.


Annunciation House operates several shelters in El Paso, helping immigrants and refugees obtain food and housing, and providing information on how to complete legal documents to claim asylum in the United States.

The nonprofit, which opened its first shelter at a local Catholic Church nearly 50 years ago and receives support from the church, said it has helped hundreds of thousands of refugees who have come through El Paso by feeding and keeping them off city streets.

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism | Breaking News

Post by Wosbald »


Source: El Paso Matters
Link: elpasomatters DOT org/2024/03/11/el-paso-annunciation-house-ken-paxton-court-ruling/
El Paso judge blocks Texas AG Ken Paxton’s effort to close Annunciation House


El Paso, TX — Attorney General Ken Paxton “acted without regard to due process and fair play” in seeking to shut down a leading migrant service provider, an El Paso judge said Monday in a ruling that blocks the state’s efforts for now.

“The Attorney General’s efforts to run roughshod over Annunciation House, without regard to due process or fair play, call into question the true motivation for the Attorney General’s attempt to prevent Annunciation House from providing the humanitarian and social services that it provides. There is a real and credible concern that the attempt to prevent Annunciation House from conducting business in Texas was predetermined,” 205th District Judge Francisco Dominguez said in his ruling.

Dominguez said Annunciation House’s petition for declaratory judgment means the case is governed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, which essentially blocks any action by Paxton until the court reviews the case.

The judge denied motions from Annunciation House to issue a temporary injunction or quash the attorney general’s request to examine its documents. But his ruling saying the case is subject to court rules has a similar effect of blocking further action in the case until Dominguez can review arguments about the constitutionality of Paxton’s request.
on Thursday, March 7. (Gabriela Velasquez/El Paso Times)[/color][/size]

Ruben Garcia, the founder and director of Annunciation House, said he was grateful for the judge’s ruling. He said Paxton’s actions could threaten businesses across Texas.

“It kind of sends a shiver through all incorporated entities in the state of Texas, because people are going to ask, does this mean that the attorney general feels that they have the authority to arrive at any institution, any business, any entity, and just walk up and say, we are submitting a request to examine. And I think that’s a really fundamental question about whether that’s a way to function,” Garcia said.


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The News & Topicality Thread

Post by Jocose »

Islamist celebrates 500 Christian churches being closed and turned into mosques in England.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia doesn’t allow one Christian church to be built.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Title: Annunciation House founder responds after Judge's ruling to halt AG Paxton's efforts
Source: CBS4 News
Link: cbs4local DOT com/news/local/annunciation-house-founder-responds-after-judges-ruling-to-halt-ag-paxtons-effortsken-paxton-attorney-general-ruben-garcia-el-paso-migrants-border-political-republican

The Money-Quote:
CBS4 spoke with the founder and executive director of Annunciation House, Ruben Garcia, who stated that the organization is "very gratified with the judge's order."

With where this case is at now, Garcia and the Annunciation House is taking this ruling as a win.

"It's a win in the sense that it puts a halt, it stops it and it says going forward, we're now going to go forward under these rules of evidence," Garcia said.

Garcia also said that these efforts from Paxton raise the question of a political agenda and how much power Paxton believes he has as an attorney general.

“I also think that all businesses in the state of Texas, all nonprofits, all medical facilities, I think that this is a moment to pause, and to reflect on whether or not we live in a state where an attorney general feels that they have that kind of power, Garcia said.

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 12 Mar 2024, 10:14 +JMJ+

Title: Annunciation House founder responds after Judge's ruling to halt AG Paxton's efforts
Source: CBS4 News
Link: cbs4local DOT com/news/local/annunciation-house-founder-responds-after-judges-ruling-to-halt-ag-paxtons-effortsken-paxton-attorney-general-ruben-garcia-el-paso-migrants-border-political-republican

The Money-Quote:
CBS4 spoke with the founder and executive director of Annunciation House, Ruben Garcia, who stated that the organization is "very gratified with the judge's order."

With where this case is at now, Garcia and the Annunciation House is taking this ruling as a win.

"It's a win in the sense that it puts a halt, it stops it and it says going forward, we're now going to go forward under these rules of evidence," Garcia said.

Garcia also said that these efforts from Paxton raise the question of a political agenda and how much power Paxton believes he has as an attorney general.

“I also think that all businesses in the state of Texas, all nonprofits, all medical facilities, I think that this is a moment to pause, and to reflect on whether or not we live in a state where an attorney general feels that they have that kind of power, Garcia said.
Let's remember the facts before we swallow the spin....

1) Texas asked for some documentary evidence from Annunciation House -- to evidence compliance with state and federal laws and to ensure that Annunciation was not being used as cover for trafficking and illegal activities.

2) Annunciation House refused to comply and sued Texas for their information request.

3) AG Paxton attempted to yank their license to operate.

There has no new revelation of facts. Wosbald's articles have attempted to spin this into some effort by Texas to shut down all charity endeavors to assist the migrant crisis.... without evidence that even one charity has been targeted. It is just as easy to assume that all of the other charities are able to document how their migrants are tracked and cared for and how their funds are being used properly.

4) Court just said that AG Paxton cannot yank the license until due process has determined whether or not Annunciation is actually endangering migrants.

So.... we'll see. I hope that Annunciation will demonstrate that they are actually helping migrants and not co-conspiring with cartels to traffic children or worse. But for now, we don't know anything.

Except that we know that Texas and AG Paxton are not the villains of this story. It's just going to take them some more time to investigate and protect migrants from cartels and Biden's crisis.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Title: Court blocks Texas Attorney General’s move to shut Catholic migrant shelter
Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-usa/2024/03/court-blocks-texas-attorney-generals-move-to-shut-catholic-migrant-shelter

The Money-Quote:
Dylan Corbett, the executive director of the Hope Border Institute, an El Paso-based humanitarian organization, told Crux that [El Paso District Judge Francisco] Dominguez’s order keyed in on the true intent of [Texas AG Ken] Paxton’s actions — “to intimidate, to sow chaos and to politicize the essential humanitarian work done in El Paso every day.”

Corbett acknowledged, however, that the case is not over yet.

“That the court has stepped in provides a measure of due process and protection for Annunciation House,” Corbett said in a March 12 email. “But it doesn’t resolve key religious liberty concerns and we don’t know how far Paxton will go in attacking our community’s aid workers and migrant relief work.”

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 13 Mar 2024, 10:30 +JMJ+

Title: Court blocks Texas Attorney General’s move to shut Catholic migrant shelter
Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-usa/2024/03/court-blocks-texas-attorney-generals-move-to-shut-catholic-migrant-shelter

The Money-Quote:
Dylan Corbett, the executive director of the Hope Border Institute, an El Paso-based humanitarian organization, told Crux that [El Paso District Judge Francisco] Dominguez’s order keyed in on the true intent of [Texas AG Ken] Paxton’s actions — “to intimidate, to sow chaos and to politicize the essential humanitarian work done in El Paso every day.”

Corbett acknowledged, however, that the case is not over yet.

“That the court has stepped in provides a measure of due process and protection for Annunciation House,” Corbett said in a March 12 email. “But it doesn’t resolve key religious liberty concerns and we don’t know how far Paxton will go in attacking our community’s aid workers and migrant relief work.”
What evidence do Corbett have to support this?

Paxton knows that he can't support all Biden's illegal migrants without the vital help
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