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Post by SlowToke »

Del wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 20:01
SlowToke wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 19:39
Del wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 18:22

As cynically as I can tell --

The chaos of the masks (etc) and closing businesses, schools & churches had one purpose.... same as the riots and protests (which were immune to the virus, so they were allowed to happen). That purpose was to remove Donald Trump from the White House.

The vaccines had a different purpose. They were to enrich the Big Pharma executives, as well as Fauci & Friends. This was a big "thank you" for their secret contributions and insider stock tips.
Maybe. Or maybe even more nefarious than that. If you're a billionaire global elitist group with a ton of power and you truly believe that the earth is overpopulated and that overpopulation is destroying the earth and it's (and your) demise is inevitable, you might think a reasonable and altruistic solution would be to artificially decrease the world population by getting rid of some undesirables. But, you couldn't do it overtly. Of course, you might fund the development of a virus and make it just deadly enough to kill off the less desirable and useful people like the elderly and obese who just cost us all money anyway but not deadly enough to wipe out the entire planet. You could then conspire with a communist country whose government has no qualms enacting evils on its people to "accidentally" allow that virus to escape a lab with incredibly strict procedures and protocols to prevent such things from ever happening. Then you could convince the population to eliminate themselves out of fear by taking an "experimental" injection with little to no evidence of efficacy or safety all while having your media propaganda machine instill fear in the people and convince everyone that this experimental injection is "completely safe and effective" even though there has never been any drug or vaccine ever to be "completely safe and effective." You could then convince the same people to take multiple injections when they don't work and even shows evidence that it may be harming people to which you just say, "no it's not" and they will believe you. You could call this "experimental injection" a vaccine even though it isn't and you could make billions of dollars off of it. You could have the media propagandist demonize anyone who questions said "vaccine" or other control measures you put in place without a bit of evidence of efficacy or science and even convince employers to fire those people and shame them or bully them into submission against their will. I dunno. Maybe. Probably.
Just a few years ago, you would have quietly stepped away from anyone who posted something like that.
I might have engaged the guy in some posts about how preposterous such a scheme would be, and urge him to quit with the tinfoil hat paranoia for the sake of his health and happiness.

What have they done to us, Wayne?
If nothing else, they've opened some of our eyes to evils that have always existed. In the US, we have become very soft both physically and mentally due to relative comfort. That softness leaves us weak to evils to the point we deny they may possibly exist. This occurs over and over despite so many examples throughout the history of man of inhumanity. It's more absurd to think that evils such as these couldn't possibly exist given the history of man. Now, I'm not saying the above scenario is entirely true or factual but it's much more plausible than it was a few years ago given the repeated lies that they hardly even try to cover up anymore.
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Truth be told, it's probably even more nefarious and evil than the scenario I presented.
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Post by Del »

SlowToke wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 22:03
Del wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 20:01 Just a few years ago, you would have quietly stepped away from anyone who posted something like that.
I might have engaged the guy in some posts about how preposterous such a scheme would be, and urge him to quit with the tinfoil hat paranoia for the sake of his health and happiness.

What have they done to us, Wayne?
If nothing else, they've opened some of our eyes to evils that have always existed. In the US, we have become very soft both physically and mentally due to relative comfort. That softness leaves us weak to evils to the point we deny they may possibly exist. This occurs over and over despite so many examples throughout the history of man of inhumanity. It's more absurd to think that evils such as these couldn't possibly exist given the history of man. Now, I'm not saying the above scenario is entirely true or factual but it's much more plausible than it was a few years ago given the repeated lies that they hardly even try to cover up anymore.
That's some solid insight.

I often reflect on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, with so many striking parallels. (Pipeson reads the classics... He's been reading Plutarch's lives of various Pelosi/Biden/Trump types at the end of the Roman Republic.) It amazes me that the Roman citizens let their leaders carry on like that. But we are doing the same thing, despite of all the information that is readily available to us.
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Post by SlowToke »

Del wrote: 25 Nov 2022, 05:02
SlowToke wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 22:03
Del wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 20:01 Just a few years ago, you would have quietly stepped away from anyone who posted something like that.
I might have engaged the guy in some posts about how preposterous such a scheme would be, and urge him to quit with the tinfoil hat paranoia for the sake of his health and happiness.

What have they done to us, Wayne?
If nothing else, they've opened some of our eyes to evils that have always existed. In the US, we have become very soft both physically and mentally due to relative comfort. That softness leaves us weak to evils to the point we deny they may possibly exist. This occurs over and over despite so many examples throughout the history of man of inhumanity. It's more absurd to think that evils such as these couldn't possibly exist given the history of man. Now, I'm not saying the above scenario is entirely true or factual but it's much more plausible than it was a few years ago given the repeated lies that they hardly even try to cover up anymore.
That's some solid insight.

I often reflect on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, with so many striking parallels. (Pipeson reads the classics... He's been reading Plutarch's lives of various Pelosi/Biden/Trump types at the end of the Roman Republic.) It amazes me that the Roman citizens let their leaders carry on like that. But we are doing the same thing, despite of all the information that is readily available to us.
I often reflect on the fall of the Roman Empire as well. And, many other great civilizations for that matter. I believe we have met the point in the evolution of all great civilizations where we self-implode. The world as God created it demands balance. When a civilization reaches the point where relative comfort, convenience, and ease supersedes the level of discomfort, hardship, and adversity, they begin creating false problems where they don't actually exist until the balance is restored.
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Post by tuttle »

SlowToke wrote: 24 Nov 2022, 22:06 Truth be told, it's probably even more nefarious and evil than the scenario I presented.
I'm with you on this. I can concoct a bunch of different scenarios that I think make sense where the people in charge are either extremely greedy, extremely inept, or extremely wicked. But at the end of the day I feel there is a real spiritual power(s) behind the scenes in all of this. There was a very anti-human aspect to much of it as well as an enormous opposition to the truth.

Forcing people to mask/lockdown/test/vax in order to work/worship/purchase/travel/visit others or virtually exist in any sphere without societal, or in some cases legal, repercussions,--especially when such measures did not achieve what was promised and all efforts to freely discuss such matters was silenced.

Regardless of the human motive in that, there is evil lying behind it. Still is.
"tuttle isn't saved" - Legion
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Post by Wosbald »

tuttle wrote: 28 Nov 2022, 05:49… But at the end of the day I feel there is a real spiritual power(s) behind the scenes in all of this. …


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