The Holy Land Thread

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The Holy Land Thread

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Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-middle-east/2024/03/church-leaders-in-holy-land-condemn-wanton-attack-in-gaza
Church leaders in Holy Land condemn ‘wanton attack’ in Gaza


ROME — After a disputed incident in which more than 100 Palestinians were killed while attempting to access humanitarian aid in Gaza, Church leaders in Jerusalem have condemned what they described as a “wanton attack” and called for a ceasefire.

In a March 1 statement, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem pointed to the Feb. 29 incident, saying that “in the aftermath of yesterday’s horrifying events and their cruel context, we, the patriarchs and heads of Churches in Jerusalem, condemn the wanton attack against innocent civilians.”

They called for both parties involved in the conflict “to reach an immediate and lengthy ceasefire that allows for the speedy disbursement of relief supplies throughout the Gaza Strip, and for the enactment of a negotiated release of those held as captives and prisoners.”

Their statement comes after at least 112 people in Gaza were killed and 760 injured on Thursday while trying to get desperately needed humanitarian aid from trucks dispersing it.

Accounts of what happened differ, with Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claiming that Gaza residents surrounded the trucks and began looting the supplies, prompting soldiers to fire warning shots as the scene turned chaotic and people were trampled to death by the crowds.

The Palestinian Health Ministry, however, says Israeli forces opened fire onto the crowd, and that many of those who died and were injured suffered gunshot wounds.

In a Feb. 29 post on social media platform X, the IDF said that “This morning humanitarian aid trucks entered northern Gaza, residents surrounded the trucks and looted the supplies being delivered. As a result of the pushing, trampling, and being run over by the trucks, dozens of Gazans were killed and injured.”

Palestine’s ruling Hamas party rejected this account of the incident, saying there was “undeniable” evidence of “direct firing at citizens.”


In their statement, the Church leaders in Jerusalem faulted Israel. Citing eyewitness accounts, they said “Israeli forces in southwest Gaza City opened fire on crowds of civilians seeking to receive sacks of flour to feed their starving families.”

“The ensuing carnage resulted in the death of more than a hundred Gazans, with hundreds more seriously injured,” they said, saying doctors at the scene and at hospitals treating the wounded “reported that most were killed or injured by gunfire.”

Some of the dead, they said, were “victimized after being either trampled by panicked crowds or hit by aid trucks fleeing the horrific scene.”

They condemned remarks made by Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, a controversial rightwing politician accused of ethnic and religious discrimination, who called IDF soldiers “heroic” after Thursday’s incident and said they “acted excellently against a Gazan mob that tried to harm them.”

Ben-Gvir demanded that humanitarian aid into Gaza be halted on grounds that it poses a risk to soldiers, saying Thursday’s incident was proof “that the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza is not only madness while our hostages are held in the Strip … but also endangers IDF (Israeli army) soldiers.”

In their statement, Jerusalem’s Church leaders condemned Ben-Gvir’s defense of the IDF, saying he chose “to blame the victims for their own demise,” and his calls for an end to deliveries of humanitarian aid.

“That stated desire has already become a harsh reality for the half-million remaining in Gaza City, where aid deliveries have nearly halted because of heavy entry restrictions and lack of security escort for the delivery convoys,” the Church leaders said.

Humanitarian officials have repeatedly warned against “siege-induced famine” in northern Gaza, they said, and noted that foreign governments have even considered humanitarian airdrops as a “last resort.”

“Yet these offer only a tiny fraction of the relief that is needed for a remnant civilian population greater than that of Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest city,” they said.


In their statement, the Church leaders in Jerusalem also voiced solidarity and prayer for the Christian communities throughout Gaza, specifically the more than 800 people who have been sheltering at St. Porphyrios Orthodox Church and Holy Name Catholic Church in Gaza City for five months.

They also voiced support for “the intrepid staff and volunteers” at the Anglican-run Ahli Hospital in Gaza, and for the patients they serve.
Last edited by Wosbald on 03 Mar 2024, 19:28, edited 1 time in total.

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The Holy Land Thread

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Wosbald wrote: 03 Mar 2024, 10:22 +JMJ+

Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-middle-east/2024/03/church-leaders-in-holy-land-condemn-wanton-attack-in-gaza
After a disputed incident in which more than 100 Palestinians were killed while attempting to access humanitarian aid in Gaza,
1) Don't believe anything that Hamas claims until it has been verified by someone with a reputation of trustworthiness.

2) Democrat media (including Democrat media with a Catholic veneer) are not trustworthy. They don't verify anything.

Israel’s Military Debunks Hamas Claim That It ‘Targeted’ Civilians ‘Waiting To Receive Food Aid’

The short story is that Israel has secured areas that are now free of Hamas militants, and they are bringing in food and other necessities to help the desperate non-combatants.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has debunked Hamas’ claim that it “targeted a gathering of thousands of [Palestinian] citizens while they were waiting to receive food aid.”

The Gaza Health Ministry — which is controlled directly by the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist group — claimed that more than 100 people were killed and more than 700 were injured during the incident, which they have portrayed as an unprompted act of aggression by Israel.

There has been no confirmation of the numbers claimed by Hamas, and the terror group has repeatedly lied throughout the course of the war, which was ignited by Hamas’ unprecedented terrorist attack on October 7.

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said that the incident that unfolded on Thursday occurred during the fourth night in a row that Israel brought in convoy trucks directly to the people of Gaza.

“Our initial review has confirmed that no strike was carried out by the IDF towards the aid convoy,” he said. “The majority of Palestinians were killed or injured as a result of the stampede.
Video of what actually happened:

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Fratelli Tutti

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Source: America
Link: americamagazine DOT org/faith/2024/03/03/pope-francis-ceasefire-gaza-middle-east-247414
Pope Francis calls for ‘immediate cease-fire in Gaza and in the entire Middle Eastern region’


Vatican City — Pope Francis called for “an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and in the entire [Middle Eastern] region” at the noon prayer in the Vatican on March 3. He further encouraged “the continuation of negotiations” to bring about the release of hostages taken in the Hamas attack on Israel and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the hungry and impoverished Palestinians in Gaza.

“I carry in my heart every day, with pain, the suffering of the populations in Palestine and in Israel, because of the ongoing hostilities,” he told the thousands of pilgrims and Romans gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

“Thousands of dead, wounded, displaced people, enormous destruction, cause sorrow, and this with tremendous consequences on the little ones and the defenseless who see their future compromised,” he said.


“Does one truly think of building a better world in this way? Does one truly think of reaching peace [in this way]?” the pope asked on Sunday.

“Stop, please! Let us all say: Enough, please! Stop!” he pleaded. His words drew strong applause.

He then urged the continuation of negotiations which the international media report to be underway in Cairo “so that the hostages may be released and return to their dear ones who wait for them with anxiety, and the civilian population may have secure access to the needed and urgent humanitarian aid.”

Francis has issued a call for a cease-fire many times, as have more than 150 countries of the world. This call has been tabled at least three times at the United Nations Security Council, with the United States using its veto power to block the resolution.

The pope concluded his greeting to the crowd by also asking them to pray for the people of Ukraine, who are suffering from a war that started in February 2022. “Please let us not forget the martyred Ukraine, where every day many people die. There is so much sorrow there,” he said.

Pope Francis’ appeal for an immediate cease-fire” re-echoed the call made by the Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem to “reach an immediate and lengthy ceasefire that allows for the speedy disbursement of relief supplies throughout the Gaza Strip, and for the enactment of a negotiated release of those held as captives and prisoners.” Their call came in the following statement issued in Jerusalem on March 1:


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Fratelli Tutti

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Source: Vatican News
Link: vaticannews DOT va/en/church/news/2024-03/patriarch-pizzaballa-gaza-ceasefire-christians-church-peace.html
Patriarch Pizzaballa: Gaza ceasefire more urgent than ever [Interview]


In a new interview with Vatican News, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem repeats his appeal for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, calling on both sides to make compromises.

Vatican CIty — “A ceasefire in Gaza is more urgent than ever.”

That's the latest appeal for peace launched by Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Speaking to Vatican News' Federico Piana, Patriarch Pizzaballa stressed that a ceasefire is possible: “All that’s missing is the will to make it happen.”

In the course of the interview, the Patriarch also touched on the “fragile” situation of Gaza’s Christians, and the role the Church might play in peace negotiations.

The following transcript has been lightly edited for reasons of clarity.


Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa: This is not the first time we have called for a ceasefire and an end to all fighting in Gaza; we have been doing so continuously since October, along with many other religious authorities, foremost among them the Holy Father. Our latest appeal comes precisely because we are in contact with our population in Gaza; we are aware of how the situation is becoming more and more terrible every day.

Q: Why do you think a ceasefire in Gaza is possible?

Pizzaballa: The elements for a possible ceasefire have always been there; all that is missing is the will to make it happen. It requires both sides to have the willingness to reach compromises, because it's clear that compromises will have to be made on both sides. It seems to me that at this moment, because Ramadan is approaching, and also because after five months, there is an obvious weariness about the situation, the time is ripe to take a different path.

Q: There has recently been news from Gaza that has shaken the world: this carnage that happened while people were queueing for humanitarian aid. How did you feel when you heard this news? What else can you tell us about what’s happening in Gaza?

Pizzaballa: My reaction was, like everyone else's, one of great dismay. Dismay for the chaos into which the entire Gaza Strip has fallen, and dismay for the hunger that has spread, especially in the north of the strip. I know personally that the delivery of food and gas to the strip is increasingly difficult, as those images showed. For example, the Christians in the Strip cook only once or twice a week, at most, and what they cook must last for the whole week. This shows the situation we’re in.

Water is scarce, and what is available is not clean, so, even from the perspective of diseases, the situation is increasingly fragile. Medicines are also lacking; practically everything is missing. I think everyone realizes that we cannot go on like this. I have seen that they have started to drop parachutes with food parcels, but other more coordinated, systematic solutions need to be found because, if we continue like this, it will simply be chaos upon chaos.


Q: What role does the Church have in diplomatic negotiations? Is there room for it to intervene in this somewhat complex, international situation, and have an impact in some way?

Pizzaballa: I don't know if the Church can play this role, because these are such big, complex situations where power dynamics are essential, and the Church does not have immediate power. However, I can say that the Church is very present in all communication channels, with all parties, with the task of facilitating understanding among the various parties.

Q: Personally, given this complex, painful, and difficult situation, do you think there’s a possibility for a positive outcome, or are you more pessimistic?

Pizzaballa: In the short term, I don't think this situation will bring anything positive. But one thing I know for sure is that, after this crisis, which is the most serious in the last 70–80 years, no one will be willing to accept temporary solutions anymore, neither Israelis nor Palestinians.

So, this very serious crisis will clearly force — with dynamics that will need to be defined, which will certainly not be immediate — everyone to find long-term stable solutions to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, which has already claimed too many lives over the years.

Q: So, to conclude: Is there hope for the two-state solution?

Pizzaballa: I don't know if we’ll see a two-state solution: it may be two states or another solution, because the two-state solution will not be easy, even though, objectively, it seems the only possible one.

But it is clear that solutions must be found that guarantee stability, freedom, and dignity for both Palestinians and Israelis.

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The Holy Land Thread

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Source: Times of Israel
Link: timesofisrael DOT com/liveblog_entry/gallant-says-pa-tied-palestinians-are-least-bad-option-for-gaza-rulers-is-lambasted-by-fellow-likud-ministers/
Gallant says PA-tied Palestinians are least bad option for Gaza rulers, is lambasted by fellow Likud ministers


Mar 15, 2024 — Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said during a security cabinet meeting earlier today that the best option Israel has for who will rule Gaza will be local Palestinians affiliated with the Palestinian Authority, Channel 13 reports.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has all but rejected the idea, instead trying to promote clans unaffiliated with Hamas or the PA, despite the idea widely being understood to be completely unviable.

Gallant told security cabinet ministers that Israel faces several options, the worst being continued Hamas rule if the IDF fails to completely dismantle the terror group’s military infrastructure. The next slightly less bad option would be permanent Israeli occupation of Gaza, which the IDF would pay for in blood and significant resources that it wouldn’t be able to use in the West Bank and on the Lebanon border.

Another potential scenario would be chaos in Gaza — potentially of the kind that led to last month’s aid convoy incident in which dozens were killed. This would lead to significant pressure from the international community and Israel would still have to devote a significant amount of energy to Gaza, Gallant said.

According to the defense minister, the least bad option would be having local Palestinians govern the Strip. But because this body won’t be Hamas, it means that “once in a while it will look at what is being said in Ramallah,” Channel 13 quotes Gallant as having said.

The stance infuriated fellow Likud ministers Miri Regev and Yariv Levin who accused Gallant of “promoting the Palestinian Authority.”

Gallant hit back saying that the ones paying the price for the government’s indecision on this issue have been IDF soldiers.

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Fratelli Tutti

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Source: Vatican News
Link: vaticannews DOT va/en/vatican-city/news/2024-03/patriarch-pizzaballa-gaza-intollerable-holy-week-united-states.html
Patriarch Pizzaballa: Situation in Gaza is intolerable


Speaking to an Italian television station, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, says that "everyone must do everything possible to put an end to this situation."

Rome — "It is objectively intolerable."

That’s how Cardinal Gianbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, described the situation in Gaza in a recent interview with the Italian television station TV2000.

"We have always had many problems of all kinds," he continued, "and even the economic-financial situation has always been very fragile, but there has never been hunger before."

"Everyone — religious, political, and social communities — must do everything possible to put an end to this situation," he said.

"The weakness of the United States," emphasised the Patriarch, "creates a great dilemma, because, until now, there has always been someone to put things in order. Now there is no longer anyone to play this role, and we have to do it ourselves. I don't know if, how, or when this will be possible."

Easter in times of war

Speaking days before the beginning of Holy Week, Patriarch Pizzaballa offered his reassurances that permits will be granted to Christians living in Palestinian territories to allow them to visit Jerusalem for liturgies.

"We’ll get the permits," he said. "We insisted, saying that as they had given permits to Muslims for Ramadan, they should also give them to Christians for Easter. Even if the numbers are smaller, we will have several thousand permits both for Palm Sunday and for Easter."

"It will be a difficult Easter," Cardinal Pizzaballa concluded. "I think of the loneliness of Jesus in Gethsemane, which is now shared by all of us."

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Fratelli Tutti

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Source: America / OSV News
Link: americamagazine DOT org/faith/2024/03/25/bishops-israel-hamas-holy-week-247573
US bishops ask Catholics to pray during Holy Week for end to Israel–Hamas war


(OSV News) — The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on International Justice and Peace called upon the faithful to renew prayers during Holy Week for an end to the Israel–Hamas war.

“As the Church enters Holy Week and Christ’s suffering on the cross and his resurrection are made present to us so vividly, we are connected to the very source of hope. It is that hope that spurs us to call on Catholics here in the United States and all those of good will to renew their prayers for an end to the raging Israel–Hamas war,” wrote Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, USCCB president, and Bishop A. Elias Zaidan of the Maronite Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon, International Justice and Peace committee chairman, in a March 23 statement.


“Thousands of innocent people have died in this conflict, and thousands more have been displaced and face tremendous suffering,” the bishops said in their statement. “This must stop.”

“As the Holy Father recently said, ‘One cannot move forward in war. We must make every effort to negotiate, to negotiate, to end the war.’ To move forward, a cease fire and a permanent cessation of war and violence is absolutely necessary. To move forward, those held hostage must be released and civilians must be protected. To move forward, humanitarian aid must reach those who are in such dire need.”

Israel and Hamas have been engaged in mediated talks about a ceasefire and the release of prisoners and captives, with Hamas recently presenting a proposal for a truce. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the proposal was based on “unrealistic demands” and he plans for Israeli forces to invade another area of the Gaza Strip to defeat Hamas, according to media reports.

“As Christians, we are rooted in the hope of the resurrection, and so we pray for a just and lasting peace in the Holy Land,” the Catholic bishops wrote.

Holy Week began March 24 with Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.

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The Holy Land Thread

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As much as Israel desires an end to hostilities, it is Hamas who will decide when this war ends.

Hamas has declared that they will not stop until the last Jew is dead, or the last Hamas militant is dead. Hamas does not care about Palestinian civilians.

Palestinians will do well to remember this, next time they get to vote on whichever extreme Islamist party will rule over them.
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Fratelli Tutti

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Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-the-middle-east/2024/03/holy-land-patriarchs-call-for-an-immediate-ceasefire-in-holy-land-message
Holy Land Patriarchs call for an ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Holy Land message


Jerusalem — Christian leaders say they fully recognize the intense suffering that surrounds the Holy Land, as well as in many other parts of the world, as the faithful mark Holy Week.

“[We] repeat our denunciation of all violent actions in the present devastating war, especially those directed at innocent civilians, and we reiterate our calls for an immediate and sustained ceasefire,” reads the message from the Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in the Holy Land.


The message from the patriarchs also renews a plea for the speedy distribution of humanitarian aid; the release of all captives; the unimpeded access of fully-equipped doctors and medical staff to tend the sick and injured; and the opening of internationally facilitated negotiations aimed at ending and moving beyond the present cycle of violence.

“Only in this way, we believe, can a comprehensive solution be finally advanced for a just and lasting peace here in the land where our Lord sacrificed his life, breaking down the dividing wall of enmity, in order to offer the world the hope for reconciliation,” the message reads.

“While extending this Easter message to Christians and others around the world, we offer our special greetings to those of the faithful in Gaza who have been bearing especially heavy crosses over the past several months,” the Christian leaders say.

The message specifically notes those taking refuge inside St. Porphyrios and Holy Family churches, as well as the staff and volunteers of the Anglican-run Ahli Hospital, along with the patients they serve.

Israel has alleged that hospitals serve as command centers, weapons storage facilities and hideouts for Hamas. The Islamist group has denied the allegations.

Speaking during his homily for Holy Thursday Mass in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, said the war, “with its burden of violence and hatred, suffering and death, makes celebrating this feast difficult.”

“Yet, Easter is never truly easy, unless we reduce it to an ancient rite, a mere religious feast among others. If what we mean by feast is only a moment of rest, a moment of merriment which makes the grayness of daily life more bearable, then yes: Undeniably, this year there is little or no room for lightheartedness and leisure, while there is plenty of room for sorrow and tears,” he said.

“If instead Easter is the celebration of Christ’s passion and resurrection, if it makes the passage from death to life real for us here and now, then it is not only this Easter that is difficult, but it is Easter itself that is always difficult,” the cardinal continued.

Pizzaballa said the circumstances in which Christians in the Holy Land were celebrating this Easter are not so different from those of the Lord’s Passover.

“As then, so today, the desire for peace is too often confused with the need for victory. As then, so today, the way of Barabbas seems more convincing than that of Jesus,” he said.

“Like the disciples on that supreme and dramatic night, we too are lost and confused. Sadness tempts us with an irenic slumber and with losing the courage of the parrhesia. Without this courage we are unable to allow ourselves to be wounded by another person’s pain,” the cardinal continued.

“Alternatively, like Peter, we too are tempted to take up the sword, to strike, and to be overpowered by feelings of violence and rejection, which only lead to death. Worse yet, we run the risk of betraying the Master by devaluing His message and prophecy by forsaking the grace of forgiveness and self-giving, which leads to true life,” he said.

Pizzaballa noted the painful circumstances of the present period make leisure difficult, on the other hand, they paradoxically increase our awareness and help Christians to enter the Paschal Mystery.

“It is a difficult mystery, not so much because of the difficulty of the dogma, but because of our difficulty in welcoming it and living it,” he said.

Meanwhile, the top United Nations International Court of Justice on Thursday ordered Israel to take measures to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza, including opening more land crossings to allow food, water, fuel and other supplies into the area.

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Fratelli Tutti

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Title: Pope calls for humanitarian aid to 'be ensured' to Gaza in Easter address
Source: France 24
Link: france24 DOT com/en/europe/20240331-pope-francis-calls-humanitarian-aid-ensured-gaza-easter-address-sunday-israel-hamas-war-catholic

The Money-Quote:
Francis has repeatedly deplored the death and destruction in the Gaza war and he renewed his call for a ceasefire on Sunday.

"I appeal once again that access to humanitarian aid be ensured to Gaza, and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on last October 7 and for an immediate ceasefire in the Strip," he said in his Urbi et Orbi address.

"How much suffering we see in the eyes of children, the children have forgotten to smile in those war zones. With their eyes, children ask us: Why? Why all this death? Why all this destruction? War is always an absurdity and a defeat", he added.

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