The Pope Francis Thread

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Fratelli Tutti

Post by Wosbald »


Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/vatican/2024/01/as-fighting-rages-in-ukraine-and-gaza-pope-calls-for-recognition-of-war-crimes
As fighting rages in Ukraine and Gaza, Pope calls for recognition of war crimes


ROME — After a year that saw thousands of civilians die in violent conflicts such as wars in Gaza and in Ukraine, Pope Francis told diplomats accredited to the Holy See Monday that international war crimes must be recognized and prevented.

In his Jan. 8 address, the pope noted said that as the year 2024 opens the world is “increasingly lacerated” by conflict, and as “the distinction between military and civil objectives is no longer respected.”

“There is no conflict that does not end up in some way indiscriminately striking the civilian population,” he said, adding, “The events in Ukraine and Gaza are clear proof of this.”

In this regard, “We must not forget that grave violations of international humanitarian law are war crimes, and that it is not sufficient to point them out, but also necessary to prevent them,” Francis said.

“Consequently, there is a need for greater effort on the part of the international community to defend and implement humanitarian law, which seems to be the only way to ensure the defense of human dignity in situations of warfare,” he said.

Pope Francis spoke during his annual speech to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, who represent the 184 nations that currently have full diplomatic relations with the Holy See, as well as those with other forms of representation.

He focused his speech on the topic of peace “at a moment in history when it is increasingly threatened, weakened and in part lost,” repeating his past affirmation that the world is experiencing “a third world war fought piecemeal” that is turning into “a genuine global conflict.”

In terms of current conflicts, the pope pointed specifically to the conflict raging between Israel and Palestine, voicing “shock” at Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel and the torture, killing, and kidnapping of hundreds of innocent people.

To this end, he condemned the attack “and every instance of terrorism and extremism,” saying violence is never a way to resolve conflicts.

As proof of this, he noted that the attack provoked “a strong Israeli military response in Gaza that has led to the death of tens of thousands of Palestinians, mainly civilians … and has caused an exceptionally grave humanitarian crisis and inconceivable suffering.”

Francis repeated his call for a ceasefire “on every front, including Lebanon,” and he urged the immediate release of the Israeli hostages still being held in Gaza.

He also repeated his calls for a two-state solution, “one Israeli and one Palestinian, as well as an internationally guaranteed special status for the City of Jerusalem, so that Israelis and Palestinians may finally live in peace and security.”

Pope Francis also lamented the ongoing war “waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine,” saying, “One cannot allow the persistence of a conflict that continues to metastasize, to the detriment of millions of persons.”

“It is necessary to put an end to the present tragedy through negotiations, in respect for international law,” he said.

In his speech, Pope Francis said there is a need “to realize more clearly that civilian victims are not ‘collateral damage,’ ” but real people with names, faces and stories.

“Were we to be able to look each of them in the eye, call them by name, and learn something of their personal history, we would see war for what it is: Nothing other than an immense tragedy, a ‘useless slaughter,’ ” he said.


Pope Francis closed his speech noting that the Jubilee of Hope is set to begin at the end of this year, saying, “Today, perhaps more than ever, we need a Holy Year.”

Amid the various situations of hopelessness and suffering that countless people are living, “the Jubilee is a proclamation that God never abandons his people and constantly keeps open the doors to his Kingdom,” he said.

Noting that jubilee years are times of grace and repentance in the Judeo–Christian tradition, the pope said it is a time when “sins are forgiven, reconciliation prevails over injustice, and the earth can be at rest.”

“For everyone — Christians and non-Christians alike — the Jubilee can be a time when swords are beaten into ploughshares, a time when one nation will no longer lift up sword against another, nor learn war anymore,” he said, and wished the diplomats and their families blessings for the new year.

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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Del »

Francis recently spoke out forcefully against contracting a woman's womb to carry a surrogate pregnancy. It is an outrage of indignity to women being used as contract property and children being purchased without adequate relationships with their natural parents.

Francis calls for a world-wide ban on the practice of surrogate pregnancies.

Good one, Francis. Thank you. More like this, please.
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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 10 Jan 2024, 05:38 Francis recently spoke out forcefully against contracting a woman's womb to carry a surrogate pregnancy. It is an outrage of indignity to women being used as contract property and children being purchased without adequate relationships with their natural parents.

Francis calls for a world-wide ban on the practice of surrogate pregnancies.

Good one, Francis. Thank you. More like this, please.
I was gonna get around to this story at some point, but ya beat me to it.


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The Pope Francis Thread

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Image ... 17792?s=20

NEW - Pope: Marxists and Christians have a "common mission."
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The Pope Francis Thread

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Jocose wrote: 13 Jan 2024, 15:50 ... 17792?s=20

NEW - Pope: Marxists and Christians have a "common mission."
I'd like to have more context on this.

He is talking about "Liberation Theology," which is altogether a bad thing that nobody really wants. It is a way to smuggle Marxism into Catholic cultures.

But I want to know more of Francis's speech before I declare whether he is supporting or condemning liberation theology here. This could be another example of his speaking poorly enough to hide what he is actually trying to say. (But I'm not betting on this.)

Christians and Marxists do not have a common mission. In fact, they are entirely opposed in their core missions.

They have only a superficial similarity in some of their secondary missions... for example, both claim to have some concern for the welfare of the poor.

Christians care for the poor because Jesus commanded us to do so, as we attend to our primary mission of bringing people to know and receive Christ.

Marxists claim to care for the poor as they foment violent revolutions to overthrow governments, impose socialist regimes, and eliminate religions.

To be perfectly clear, Marxism is actually a Christian heresy. "Care for the poor" is merely the hook this heresy uses to deny Christian truths.
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Fratelli Tutti / Economics

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 13 Jan 2024, 16:18
Jocose wrote: 13 Jan 2024, 15:50 x DOT com/disclosetv/status/1746111829250617792

NEW - Pope: Marxists and Christians have a "common mission."
I'd like to have more context on this.

FWIW, the article I'd read contained neither "common" nor "mission".


Source: National Catholic Reporter / CNS
Link: ncronline DOT org/vatican/vatican-news/pope-tells-marxist-group-good-policies-cannot-be-dictated-market
Pope tells Marxist group good policies cannot be dictated by the market


Vatican CIty — Policies that are at the service of humanity "cannot allow themselves to be dictated by finance and the inner workings of the market," Pope Francis said.

Instead, societies must consider how their people can share challenges and resources, the pope told representatives of a dialogue project bringing together socialists, Marxists and Christians.

During a meeting at the Vatican Jan. 10, Francis told the group that beyond being a "moral virtue," solidarity is a "demand for justice which requires correcting the distortions and purifying the intentions of unjust systems, including through radical changes of perspective in the sharing of challenges and resources among people."

The dialogue project, known as DIALOP, was formed after a meeting of two left-wing European politicians, a member of the Focolare movement and Francis in 2014 in which they discussed the need for continued dialogue between the European left and Christians. DIALOP now holds partnerships with various European universities, educational institutions and Catholic organizations, and it has launched a project to develop an academic curriculum integrating Christian social teaching, Marxist social criticism and feminism.

Francis encouraged the project's representatives to be open to new paths forward and to "break the mold" of their thinking through dialogue. "In a time marked at various levels by conflicts and splits, let us not lose sight of what can still be done to turn things around," he said.

The pope asked them to work "against rigid approaches that separate" people and instead have open hearts in their dialogue and cultivate their capacity to listen while "excluding no one at the political, social and religious level."

"Today, in a world divided by wars and polarization, we run the risk of losing the ability to dream," the pope told the group. "This is the invitation I give also to you, do not back down, do not surrender, do not stop dreaming of a better world."

"How often over the centuries have great dreams of freedom and equality, dignity and fraternity — a mirror of God's dream — produced breakthroughs and progress," he said.

The pope asked them not to forget society's marginalized people, noting that "the measure of a civilization is seen by how the vulnerable are treated."

And he insisted that people need to remember the dictatorships of the past as a caution for the present. Francis used the example of the Nazis; "they discarded the vulnerable, killed them, rejected them: the poor, unemployed, homeless, immigrants, the exploited and all those whom the throwaway culture turns into waste."

Francis also stressed that changing society requires "a commitment to combating the scourge of corruption, abuse of power and lawlessness."

"It is only in honesty that healthy relationships can be established," and people can "cooperate faithfully and effectively in building a better future," he said.


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The Pope Francis Thread

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Pope Francis in Italian television interview says: “What I’m about to say is not a dogma of the Faith but something I hold personally: I like to think that hell is empty. I hope that’s the reality!"
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Fratelli Tutti / Economics

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Wosbald wrote: 14 Jan 2024, 08:09 +JMJ+

Source: National Catholic Reporter / CNS
Link: ncronline DOT org/vatican/vatican-news/pope-tells-marxist-group-good-policies-cannot-be-dictated-market
Francis also stressed that changing society requires "a commitment to combating the scourge of corruption, abuse of power and lawlessness."
I concur with the :confusion-shrug:.

As with so much that Francis says, it can be spun into whatever direction the media wants.

NCR favors Marxism over Christianity.

But their editors missed that this little bit from Francis is exactly the reason why we must avoid socialism -- and reduce the massive soviet bureaucracy that we already have. He might have well as said, "DON'T RE-ELECT BIDEN!"
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The Pope Francis Thread

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Jocose wrote: 14 Jan 2024, 23:58 ... 56293?s=20
Pope Francis in Italian television interview says: “What I’m about to say is not a dogma of the Faith but something I hold personally: I like to think that hell is empty. I hope that’s the reality!"

He claims he likes to think of hell as being empty NOW: no Satan, no fallen angels, despite, as Pope John Paul II said, “the words of Christ are unequivocal. In Matthew’s Gospel he speaks clearly of those *who will go to eternal punishment* (Mt 25:46).” Or, as the CCC teaches:

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Church declares that “Jesus solemnly proclaims” & “pronounce[s]” that some will indeed be lost:

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The Pope Francis Thread

Post by Del »

Jocose wrote: 14 Jan 2024, 23:58 ... 56293?s=20
Pope Francis in Italian television interview says: “What I’m about to say is not a dogma of the Faith but something I hold personally: I like to think that hell is empty. I hope that’s the reality!"
At one of her appearances at Fatima in 1917, Mary told the children that "Souls are falling into Hell like snowflakes," mainly due to sins of sexual impurity.

Now we have a great many sins of the flesh that weren't even invented a century ago.

I can't blame Pope Francis for wishing that there are no sinners in Hell, but there isn't a culture of saints enough to merit that hope.
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