Liberal (or Western) Democracy Under Pressure

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Liberal (or Western) Democracy Under Pressure

Post by Wosbald »


Source: America
Link: americamagazine DOT org/politics-society/2024/01/19/trump-insurrection-disqualification-ballot-246968
Can Donald Trump be banned from the ballot? 5 questions for the Supreme Court. [Analysis]


Jan 19, 2024 — On Dec. 28, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows disqualified Donald J. Trump from running in the Republican presidential primary in her state. Earlier in December, the Colorado Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s decision that Mr. Trump is disqualified from appearing on that state’s ballot in the Republican primary or in November. Both those decisions are on hold until the U.S. Supreme Court considers Mr. Trump’s appeal of the Colorado ruling (arguments begin on Feb. 8​), but in at least 10 other states, statewide officials, courts and even particular counties may soon try to disqualify Mr. Trump.

The basis for these actions is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868 in order to keep former legislators and officers of the Confederate states out of the renewed federal Congress and other branches. …


Secretaries of state, county clerks, state legislators and judges responding to plaintiffs — as in the Colorado case — are now being asked to keep Mr. Trump off ballots in their jurisdictions because, as president, he had sworn an oath to defend the Constitution and then betrayed that oath by inciting supporters to use force against Congress on Jan. 6. The argument is that, just as whether a 19-year-old should be elected president is not a matter for voters to decide, Americans cannot vote for someone validly disqualified under the 14th Amendment.

Legal experts generally think it unlikely that the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold any such disqualification of Mr. Trump, but they are far from certain that it will simply dismiss all efforts to disqualify him. The court will have to address at least five key issues.

Who decides and how?

First, based on other parts of the Constitution, some jurists have argued that the president is not actually “an officer” or someone “holding” an office in the sense meant by the 14th Amendment. But this is a historically implausible view which the Colorado Supreme Court rejected (as has the supreme court in Michigan). It would be odd for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that the 14th Amendment applies to traitorous congressional candidates or presidential cabinet nominees but not to a traitorous presidential candidate.

Second, there is an issue of timing. The U.S. Supreme Court could respond to the Colorado case by allowing Mr. Trump onto Republican primary ballots, but on the narrow grounds that challenges to Mr. Trump’s eligibility are premature, or not “ripe,” until he is the Republican nominee. That would allow cases to proceed in other states, giving the court a wider array of arguments to consider before making a final ruling on Mr. Trump’s eligibility.

Third, the justices must eventually rule on who has authority to decide whether a candidate has engaged in insurrection within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. For example, on Dec. 27, Michigan’s highest court let stand a ruling that the Michigan secretary of state lacks the authority “to remove a legally ineligible candidate” from the presidential primary ballot once their name is submitted by a political party. This decision is based on the premise that state law empowers political parties to put even constitutionally ineligible candidates on the federal ballot. But the Supreme Court could rule that federal law overrides state law, compelling state officials, for example, to remove from the ballot a candidate who is only 19 years old — or one who has engaged in insurrection.

In any case, it would be surprising if the U.S. Supreme Court allows states to reach different decisions on Mr. Trump’s ballot eligibility. It might allow courts in various states to rule differently on whether private plaintiffs can try to force election officials’ hands, allow state courts to review pleas for or against 14th Amendment disqualification, or allow statewide boards of election to decide eligibility (as in New York). But the high court will be under a lot of pressure to articulate a national standard. Otherwise, as Missouri’s secretary of state is now arguing, an official could remove President Biden based only on their own opinion that his policies on allowing asylum seekers into the country amounts to a kind of “insurrection.”

Fourth, the Supreme Court must address the argument that Section 3 is inoperative because federal law says too little about what standards and methods state officials must use in deciding on disqualifications. This was essentially the reasoning behind a decision by Supreme Court Justice Salmon Chase (acting as a lower court judge) in 1869, when he rejected the argument that a criminal conviction should be overturned because the trial judge had fought for the Confederacy and should have been disqualified under Section 3. Chase seemed to suggest that without a process detailed in statute, enforcing Section 3 would simply create too much inconvenience in the legal system.

But two “originalist” scholars, William Baude and Michael Paulsen, have both castigated Chase’s reasoning and argued that there is plenty of precedent for judges to uphold the removals from office of anyone directly involved in insurrectionary plots. J. Michael Luttig, an influential conservative judge, agrees that Mr. Trump should be “disabled” from eligibility, in the amendment’s language.

Another constitutional scholar, Gerard Magliocca, agrees that Section 3 is “self-executing,” which means that federal and state officials can reasonably apply it on their own authority without following a process detailed in other law. These scholars reject the strained theory that Congress’s Section 5 powers to enact enforcing statutes imply that Section 3 is not self-executing. (In fact, as constitutional scholar Garrett Epps has written, Section 5 originated with an effort to ensure that Congress could force the states to abide by the Bill of Rights.)

There is one federal law (U.S. Code §2383) relevant to the enforcement of Section 3, which says that “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto,” can be fined or jailed, and “shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” This law does not set out a procedure, outside of criminal prosecution, for punishing “insurrection,” but it is widely thought that a criminal conviction is not required before disqualification under the 14th Amendment. Rather, disqualification is a political finding — somewhat like impeachment.

Obviously, if Mr. Trump were convicted of “insurrection” under federal or state law, that could help to justify state courts or state secretaries of state disqualifying him from running or serving. But legal experts say that Special Counsel Jack Smith chose not to charge Mr. Trump with insurrection because that would be harder to prove than the conspiracy charges (including a “conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one’s vote counted”) on which Mr. Smith’s case focuses.

The fifth question is whether the Supreme Court might side with dissenting opinions in Colorado, which argued that the lower court’s process, including five days of evidentiary hearings, was too quick. The court could require a more extensive process in each state, such as the one Marjorie Taylor Greene received in Georgia, giving the person under threat of disqualification something akin to a full trial. The justices could do this without deciding whether Mr. Trump actually engaged in insurrection, and while reserving the right to review what state officials do within a more extensive disqualification process ordered by the court.

In addition, the Supreme Court is not supposed to consider likely political impacts of their decisions, but in this case, they will surely recognize that any permission for state officials to disqualify Mr. Trump as an insurrectionist could generate unprecedented public anger — and may even increase the chances of his election if disqualification comes only in some states rather than as a national decision. Still, disqualification in one swing state, such as Wisconsin, could be decisive in a tight race.

To resolve all these uncertainties, the Supreme Court will probably move fast after the justices hear oral arguments next month.

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Liberal (or Western) Democracy Under Pressure

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BREAKING: Trump breaks record for most votes ever received in New Hampshire GOP Primary



3X as many votes as Biden
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Liberal (or Western) Democracy Under Pressure

Post by Del »

Obviously, these legal attacks to remove Trump from the ballots of various states have nothing to do with any so-called "insurrection." It's simply the matter of a tin-pot dictator whose Party is concerned that he might lose his re-election due to his own corruption and gross incompetence.

In case this is not already obvious to the reader, note that the Democrat Party was doing everything they could to push Donald Trump to the frontof the line of GOP candidates, on the assumption that he would be the easiest person to beat. Only when Trump surged to the front with overwhelming GOP voter support and then started to look like he could really beat Biden in a fair fight did these new attacks suddenly appear. And lo and behold! -- Trump surged with independent voters and disaffected Democrats when the lawsuits started!

Voters don't like lawfare, when it's our job to decide. We are being robbed of our franchise.

But yes... Western democracy, society and civilization are under attack -- and not just from Joe Biden. The attack is everywhere. News media, education media, religious media [I'm looking at YOU, America], universities, public schools, Big Tech, Big Healthcare, all the Big Corporations, UN and WEF, BIG GOV (FBI, DOJ, and all the Democrat apparatchiks). Basically, any and all levers of power and influence.

I'm not complaining, though. America may fail. The West may fail. Probably already have, and we just don't know it because the buildings are still standing. Our job is the same -- To hand down all that is good and wise and true to the next generation.

That's why I am devoting my time, talent, and treasure to establishing a Chesterton Academy in Madison. A classical Catholic high school. We will sustain a faithful remnant of young people who can THINK, and properly think for themselves, armored against all the half-truths and lies that America and its ilk will throw at them. Young people who will marry and sustain happy marriages, raise their happy children, and know the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.

Societies can be rebuilt and better than before, just as the Age of Christendom rose up from the ashes of Fallen Rome. As Chesterton says, "What Man has done before, Man can do again."
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Post by Wosbald »


Source: Public Notice
Link: publicnotice DOT co/p/greg-abbott-border-standoff-biden-explained
Republican governors' dangerous border standoff with Biden [Analysis, Opinion]


Who's going to stop Greg Abbott's lawless power grab?

Jan 29, 2024 — Over the last several years, as the GOP has descended into vicious and petty madness, there have been plenty of things that felt utterly without precedent in American politics. But perhaps nothing is as startling as watching Texas Gov. Greg Abbott engage in secessionist rhetoric while seeing that four US Supreme Court justices seem happy to back his play.

Now, Abbott is essentially in a standoff with the federal government over who should control the federal border.

This slow-motion undoing of the balance of power between the states and the federal government began several months ago after Texas began trying to deter migrants by stringing razor wire and buoys across a section of the southern border. …


When the federal government appealed [Judge Alia Moses enjoining the federal government from cutting the razor wire] to the Fifth Circuit, a three-judge panel led by Kyle Duncan, one of the Trumpiest judges in America, upheld Moses’s decision, writing that “the public interest supports clear protections for property rights from government intrusion and control.”

For Duncan and Abbott, an abstract concept of “property rights” outweighs the real-world deaths of migrants. Indeed, both Duncan and Abbott can be said to be responsible for the next set of migrant deaths: On January 12, the Texas National Guard blocked the Border Patrol from assisting migrants in distress, resulting in the death of a woman and two children.

While this was occurring, the federal government asked the Supreme Court to vacate the injunction and allow the Border Patrol to cut the razor wire. The Court agreed on January 22, but only by the thinnest of margins. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh would have denied the request to vacate.

Yes, four justices of the nation’s highest court appear to agree with Texas that the state, not the federal government, should control a federal border. This flies in the face of the Supreme Court’s own decision in 2012’s Arizona v. United States, when justices held that immigration was under the federal government's authority and states could not create their own more stringent immigration laws.

The “law and order” party goes feral

So, as of right now, Texas is required to let the federal government cut the razor wire and maintain access to the border. Texas also must remove the buoys that ensnare migrants. Of course, neither of those things is happening. The Texas National Guard and Texas state troopers are still out there stringing razor wire and stopping federal agents from accessing the area.

Instead of obeying the courts, Greg Abbott declared an “invasion” at the southern border, asserting Texas has a constitutional authority to protect itself. He invoked Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution, which requires the United States to “protect [the states] against invasion.” Since Texas is being invaded and the administration won’t stop it, Abbott argued that Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution “reserves to this State the right of self-defense.”

Except that’s not what the Constitution says. Article 1, Section 10 doesn’t mention “self-defense” at all. Instead, it says that no state shall, without the consent of Congress, engage in war “unless actually invaded.” But, as Professor Steve Vladeck explained to PBS News Hour, when that provision was added to the Constitution, it was when the federal military was small, and Congress was often not in session, necessitating that individual states might have to defend a border. He went on to say that there was no support in any materials from the time of the founding of the United States for Abbott’s notion that in the modern era, Texas could just say it was being invaded and ignore the federal government.

Additionally, as Mark Joseph Stern pointed out over at Slate, language Abbott used in his statement — that the federal government had “broken the compact” between the United States and Texas — is very similar to the language used by Southern states in their declarations of secession in 1860 and 1861. Abbott also said that “the supreme law of the land” supersedes “any federal statutes to the contrary.”

Make no mistake, this is a genuine constitutional crisis on two fronts. Abbott is refusing to acknowledge the Supreme Court’s ruling, thereby undermining the judicial branch. He’s also refusing to recognize the executive branch's authority by saying that Texas, not the federal government, controls a federal border.

Far too many conservative states agree with Abbott. Every Republican governor in the country, save for Vermont’s Phil Scott, has publicly said they support Texas’s right to defy the federal government. Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt went on Fox and came dangerously close to saying that if federal troops were deployed to the border, they should refuse to obey the administration’s orders. Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins posted that “the feds are staging a civil war, and Texas should stand their ground” and ignore the Supreme Court’s ruling. When asked by Fox News if this was a “come-and-take-it” moment, Sen. Ted Cruz declared that by defying the Supreme Court, Texas was “defending Texas and defending this country.”

The Republican governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, tweeted that if Texas needed more razor wire, she’d “load it into a pickup myself.” Noem’s comment is a reminder that the Trump era didn’t just usher in a worldview that GOP states get to do whatever they want. It also ushered in a gleeful cruelty where conservatives burnish their bona fides by making light of human suffering.

Biden has no good options — which is the point

It’s hard to say where this ends. The Supreme Court has already weighed in, but that was only on Texas’s request that the federal government be enjoined, on an emergency basis, from cutting the razor wire. No court has yet ruled on the substance of the matter, meaning there has been no complete review of all the facts and law in the case. The full case still needs to make its way through the lower courts, and it is almost inevitable that it will then be back up at the Supreme Court again, where it seems that at least four justices already agree with Texas.

Simply because the Supreme Court vote to vacate the injunction was a 5–4 split in favor of the federal government doesn’t mean an ultimate ruling on the case would come out the same. While Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with the liberal wing on the narrow procedural question of whether an injunction was appropriate, there is no guarantee they’d side with the liberal wing once it hears the full case. Roberts and Barrett may have only believed that Texas was wrong to ask for an emergency injunction, but they could eventually side with the state in its quest to usurp the federal government’s authority.

Meanwhile, some of the worst people in the world are ready to help Abbott undermine American democracy. A Christian nationalist truck convoy is headed to the border, with leaders saying that “this is a biblical, monumental moment that’s been put together by God” and that “God’s army is rising up” to secure the border. Texas state Rep. Keith Self even went on Fox Business to promote the convoy. Jack Posobiec, in urging people to attend a rally this past weekend, tweeted that “we are right on the verge of Civil War with the government.” Members of The Donald message board, which became so toxic it was banned from Reddit, asserted that the five Supreme Court justices who had sided with the federal government “deserve to be executed as traitors.” Trump himself weighed in, calling upon "all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border."

All of this puts the Biden administration in a very difficult position. If it sends troops to the border, it accelerates the conflict and gives Texas and other conservative states the opportunity to deploy their national guards. The prospect of a military standoff between 25 GOP states and the United States is not one the administration likely relishes. On the other hand, doing nothing emboldens Texas to continue enacting its twin goals of harming migrants and shifting the balance of power between the states and the federal government.

Either way, Abbott gets what he wants. He now has the full-throated support of conservative elected officials who don’t believe the federal government should have any authority if Democrats are in power, and he has private citizens willing to show the same eager violence as those who supported Trump’s insurrection. There’s just no way in which this ends well.

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Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 30 Jan 2024, 12:06 +JMJ+

Source: Public Notice
Link: publicnotice DOT co/p/greg-abbott-border-standoff-biden-explained
Republican governors' dangerous border standoff with Biden [Analysis, Opinion]
The problem is that Biden refuses to do his job as President, executing the lawful orders of Congress regarding immigration and border security -- and frustrating our Democracy, as a result.

The problem will be solved as soon as Biden does his job or he is replaced by an elected President who will do the job.

Until then, Americans will attempt as peacefully as we can to do his job for him. God bless Texas and Gov. Abbott.
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Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 30 Jan 2024, 12:06
Jan 29, 2024 — ...
On January 12, the Texas National Guard blocked the Border Patrol from assisting migrants in distress, resulting in the death of a woman and two children.
This writer is either outright lying, or is so ill-informed as to be untrustworthy as a source. My money's on willful lying.

According to Biden's own DOJ, the Mexican government informed DHS/Border Patrol about the drownings after they occurred. Border Patrol informed Texas National Guard about an hour later. At no time did any Texan obstruct Border Patrol nor anyone else from providing aid to anyone in distress.

White House Fact-Checked By Own Officials On Migrant Drowning

The only one accusing Texas of watching migrants drown was.... Joe Biden, himself. He didn't know anything, of course. The gullible fool believes whatever lies he is told.

The thing about Biden is that he won't let go a lie, once he has sputtered it. He repeated this error several times after it was reported correctly, and so did his Miss Information Muppet. Just like the false narrative regarding Border Patrol on horses "whipping" migrants.... testified false by everyone, including the photographer who snapped the photo, but gullible people still believed what they wanted to believe.
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Liberal (or Western) Democracy Under Pressure

Post by Wosbald »


Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-europe/2024/03/europe-must-return-to-christian-roots-eu-churches-say-ahead-of-june-elections
Europe must return to Christian roots, EU churches say ahead of June elections


ROME — With European elections just three months away, the continent’s bishops have joined other Christian churches in lamenting that the Christian principles on which Europe was founded are either being sidelined or instrumentalized for political gain.

They have also called for an open and consistent dialogue between church and state, and asked that all European institutions and all candidates for European Parliament promote Christian values in pre-election campaigns and fight against the politicization of the faith.

In a joint March 20 statement, the Commission of Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) said challenges such as the successive economic, immigration, health and energy crises in Europe and the world, as well as current global conflicts, are compounded by a “broader crisis of values in the European area, which calls into question democratic principles and institutions.”

They pointed to a growing difficulty within European decision-making centers in responding to the situation, and said that as intellectual, political and religious actors, they felt called to assist in “redefining the framework of priorities for a sustainable future for Europe.”

In addition to COMECE, the statement was also signed by the Conference of European Churches, the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, and Together for Europe.

Among other things, the signatories said it is of “vital importance” to facilitate a participatory democracy and ensure the broadest possible participation of citizens in decision-making processes, as well as in the management of European affairs.

They noted that a significant portion of EU citizens who see the future of Europe through the lens of Christian values “now feel marginalized, as they do not have the opportunity to express their positions and opinions in an autonomous and distinct way.”

“We also notice the exclusion of any appropriate reference to Christian values in relevant EU texts,” they said.

Amid growing secularism, church leaders in Europe have long fought against progressive attempts to broaden legal protections for practices such as abortion and euthanasia, and they have consistently rallied against the rise of nationalist populism while advocating for a collective policy on issues such as migration and health, following the COVID-19 pandemic.


In their statement, COMECE and the other signatories observed that “the importance of the Christian tradition as the ‘milieu’ in which today’s European values were established is being overlooked.”

“Precisely in this pre-election period, we, as Christians, express our willingness to ensure a substantial and in-depth political dialogue that would also be an opportunity to express our firm commitment to European values and the EU acquis,” they said.

They lamented that values such as peace, stability, prosperity and the rule of law “rather than rule by power,” which for years were taken for granted, “have now been torn apart.”

In addition, they also said a growing sense of fear and insecurity is dominating the perspective of a large portion of EU citizens on the future of Europe and the world.

“Fear motivates some of them to seek solutions and spiritual support in an objectified and instrumentalized version of tradition, sometimes disguised as an appeal to ‘traditional values,’ ” they said, criticizing the use of faith-based principles for political ends.

In these cases, they said, concepts such as ‘homeland’ and ‘religion’ “are weaponized, and dubious historical figures are turned into heroes.”

“All this takes place in a divided public place, increasingly characterized by polarization, and influenced by disinformation distributed in digital social networks,” they said, saying this obscures the possibility of dialogue and undermines receptivity to the opinion of experts, as well as “respectful disagreement.”

They said they have frequently observed a “reality of parallel monologues, as well as the development of closed community groups in which opinions devoid of critical thinking and counterargument are created and divulgated.”

In this environment, and with elections on the horizon, the signatories voiced their belief that Europe’s leaders and its political factions “are being called to reshape their own narratives based on the long-term trends that characterize the European integration process.”

Christian values, which are embraced by a large portion of European citizens, “can provide a guarantee of a safe approach to the changes and challenges we face,” they said.

To this end, they said it is essential for all European factions to take Christian values into account when it comes to policy, especially on core issues “and in a labyrinthine political landscape where citizens are particularly concerned about any shifting and unstable norms.”

The signatories assured of their commitment to working together in a dynamic and inclusive way in order to promote “a positive European agenda” in which Christian values serve as an inspiration.

They called for an open and stable dialogue with churches as outlined in the Treaty of Lisbon, and specifically called on political groups of the European Union, the various political parties, and all candidates for European Parliament to recognize Christian values “as a main foundation of the European project.”

To this end, they asked specifically that article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union — which introduced a legal obligation for the EU to conduct regular, open, and transparent dialogue with churches, religious associations, and non-confessional organizations —fer to be better implemented.

Signatories also asked that EU leaders and entities “fight against the instrumentalization of Christian values for political interests and in the perspective of ethno-racial narratives,” and promote Christian values in political programs and pre-election campaigns as June approaches.

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Liberal (or Western) Democracy Under Pressure

Post by FredS »

Meh - Every system has always been under pressure. Nothing - aside from God - is static. Not climate, not nations, not governments, not people, not the price of tea in China. And things usually spiral downhill until something drastic happens to restart the system or replace the system. I'm not one to suppose western democracy has ever been perfect, or even good for that matter.
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Liberal (or Western) Democracy Under Pressure

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Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-asia/2024/03/indias-bishops-call-for-day-of-prayer-and-fasting-ahead-of-general-elections
India’s bishops call for Day of Prayer and Fasting ahead of general elections


MUMBAI, India — There are “reasons for grave concern” in India, according to Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore.

He was writing ahead of the Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace and Harmony in our Country the bishops of India [hosted] on March 22.

The prayers are also in anticipation of the general elections for the lower house in India, which will be held between April 19 and June 1.

The Congress party, India’s main opposition political group, is facing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a Hindu-nationalist party that has ruled the country since 2014.

The Congress party has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of “crippling” the party by freezing its bank accounts ahead of the general election.

Former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi on Thursday said that last week, the party received another notice from the tax authorities that dates back to our filings from 1995–96.

“This is a criminal action on the Congress party done by the prime minister and the home minister. The idea that India is a democracy is a lie. There is no democracy in India today,” Gandhi said.

In his statement, Machado writes, “We are living in very difficult times.”

“Despite the tremendous advances in the scientific, technological, economic and other fields, which have made the Country to be acknowledged as an emerging economic power in the world, there are reasons for grave concern,” the archbishop says.

“The increasing impoverishment of the masses, the growing monopoly of crony capitalists, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the worsening unemployment among the educated youth, the large scale migration of the unemployed rural poor, the unhindered multiplication of hate speeches, the systematic attempts at depriving millions of our fellow Indians of their citizenship rights, the subtle violation of fundamental rights, the systematic erosion of the pluralistic, secular ethos which has long characterised our Country and our Constitution, the unscrupulous dilution of Minority Rights, the frequent bulldozing of homes, shops and the places of worship of the minorities on flimsy accusations, the deliberate harassment of those serving in orphanages, hostels, educational and health care institutions on false allegations of forcible conversion, have all become an integral part of the carefully crafted campaign by divisive forces to undermine the Constitution, intimidate the minorities and to disempower the masses,” Machado explains.

He claims India’s politics is subjected to the “hydra-headed curse of populism, polarization, post truth and personality cult.”

“Constitutional authorities are, at best, mere figureheads, and, at worst, willing puppets. Democracy is reduced to an empty shell,” he adds.

Since the BJP took power, India’s minority faiths have accused the government of increased oppression against non-Hindu faiths.


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Post by Wosbald »


Title: Live by the Law or Die on the Cross [Opinion]
Source: Tablet Magazine
Link: tabletmag DOT com/sections/news/articles/live-law-die-cross-israel

The Money-Quotes:
[T]he typical Western Jew advocating for Israel is usually quite defenseless the moment a shrewder anti-Zionist steps into the debate, having already conceded at the outset that Israel will only be exonerated if it ever gets a fair trial — and by “fair,” these people always mean one judged by Western, and therefore Christian, standards.

Christianity no longer gets top billing in the Western marketplace of ideas, but its legacy is everywhere you look, no matter how secular the setting. In the formation of a religious community that embraced all of humanity as equivalent, and all souls/persons/moral agents within its ultimate dominion, the Christian project rejected the hereditary priesthood and national chosenness of the Jews. Thomas Jefferson’s deistic “all men are created equal” (by God) filtered through the centuries to a point where the preference for Jews shown by the Law of Return sounds plainly illegal to an American ear.


Everyone knows that Pharaoh and his army were on horses as they chased Moses and the Israelites seaward. But it took the genius of Shimon ben Yochai, the sage, to ask where the horses came from. A plague of hail had killed off all the livestock in Egypt, other than that which belonged to upright individuals who held the Lord in awe. What this means, then, is that Pharaoh got his horses from the upright individuals. Ben Yochai concludes: [In times of war], it is correct to kill even the righteous among your enemy (Mekhilta 14:7).

This is a wince-inducingly Judaic — and very unchristian — position.


The Jews do not venerate the image of a more-divine-than-usual human who achieved an abstract victory for all of humanity by dying horribly. And because we do not, we cannot accept the Western exhortation to be suicidally gentle with our enemies in order to receive a Christian burial on their “moral high ground.”


[​I]srael must stop pretending it is a nation like any other, begging to be judged fairly by whatever standards the current hegemon has decreed we all agree upon. We need to look for standards from within our tradition to set a moral example for the whole world, while making it more practically possible to defend our homeland.

Instead of bragging about the extra danger our soldiers experience for the sake of sparing enemy noncombatants, we should reject the premise that we Jews bear any responsibility for protecting the human shields employed by our enemy.

Instead of threatening Jews with arrest for praying on the Temple Mount, we should take a hint from the “Al-Aqsa” moniker our attackers gave to their day of savage invasion and let kohanim up there on the hill to slaughter lambs for Passover.

And above all — given that land is nearly all that matters to this death-worshipping foe — instead of repeatedly withdrawing troops from areas we have just taken over so we can deny having unchristian territorial ambitions, we should conquer, annex, and resettle parts of Gaza so that Jews and friendly gentiles both can live there safely.

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