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Pipe Problems/Repairs advice/CAUTION TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK

Posted: 24 Jan 2024, 12:36
by GaryInVA
Thought I'd start a thread for problems we may be having with our pipes and advice on how to fix these. Also posting links to tools or products to use to fix problems.

I'll start off. I have a Pete bent African Meer that the smoke hole clogs after 5 or 6 smokes even when I clean it between smokes. Anyone know what size Peterson uses to drill the draft hole in the pipe? I figure I can get the right size drill bit and twist it by hand to clear out the residue in the draft hole that is causing the problem. I've seen a fitting you can put a drill bit in and then turn it by hand. Anyone have a link to what I could use with the drill bit?

Pipe Problems/Repairs advice

Posted: 24 Jan 2024, 13:10
by Jocose
I have a meer that I opened up by hand with a bit but I seriously can’t remember the size.. 1/64 maybe? Once it got opened up a bit it smokes like a champ.

Pipe Problems/Repairs advice

Posted: 24 Jan 2024, 15:11
by mcommini
Proceed with caution. I just ruined my oldest meer due to the exact same problem (right down to clogging every few smokes no matter how much it was cleaned) trying the exact same fix. I didn't drill too far, surprisingly- I drilled just enough and then used my poker to- I thought- gently remove the rest of the residue. Ended up poking through the bottom of the bowl.

I'm tempted to do an autopsy and see if I can determine what caused the problem to begin with.

Pipe Problems/Repairs advice

Posted: 30 Jan 2024, 06:13
by FredS
GaryInVA wrote: 24 Jan 2024, 12:36 . . . I have a Pete bent African Meer that the smoke hole clogs after 5 or 6 smokes even when I clean it between smokes. Anyone know what size Peterson uses to drill the draft hole in the pipe? I figure I can get the right size drill bit and twist it by hand to clear out the residue in the draft hole that is causing the problem. I've seen a fitting you can put a drill bit in and then turn it by hand. Anyone have a link to what I could use with the drill bit?
There should be a banner across the top of this thread with a warning to try these things at your own risk.

Most 'artisan' pipe makers drill their draft holes 9/64" (.141") or 5/32" (.156"). I almost always drilled 5/32 and most smokers have commented on the nice draw. That said, sometimes bent pipes are drilled smaller just because the geometry of the pipe requires it. I'd start with a 1/8" drill bit and open the draft hole by hand. You can buy a thing called a pin vise that you put the drill bit in and turn it BY HAND. A small pair of locking pliers will also work.

It's worth your time to first remove the stem and stick a smaller drill bit, bamboo shish kabob skewer, or even a straight pipe cleaner through the draft hole into the tobacco chamber and then take a straight-on side view look at the arrangement, following the line of the skewer to create a mental image of how close the draft hole is to the outside edges of the pipe. If it looks close then don't mess with it, and just live with the problem rather than possibly ruining the pipe.


Pipe Problems/Repairs advice

Posted: 30 Jan 2024, 07:51
by Del
FredS wrote: 30 Jan 2024, 06:13 There should be a banner across the top of this thread with a warning to try these things at your own risk.
As you wish....

Pipe Problems/Repairs advice/CAUTION TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK

Posted: 06 Feb 2024, 11:16
by GaryInVA
Well I got a pin vice in. During my lunch break went home and dug out drill bits and my Pete African meer. Pulled the stem, mounted up the 1/8" bit and started slowly twisting in the draft hole. I could see fuzz from cleaners and carbon coming out into the bowl. Shook it out and mounted up the 9/32":drill bit. This time more pipe cleaner fuzz and carbon emptied int the bowl. Shined a light in the bowl and looked down the draft hole. Nice and open.

Thanks for the advice, can't wait to try it tonight.

Pipe Problems/Repairs advice/CAUTION TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK

Posted: 07 Feb 2024, 18:58
by GaryInVA
Got to smoke a quick bowl on my pipe with the opened up draft hole. Soooo much easier to smoke.

Pipe Problems/Repairs advice/CAUTION TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK

Posted: 16 Feb 2024, 15:01
by GaryInVA
I have a Falcon pipe that I'd only smoked 5 bowls in before a big flaw in the chamber of the bowl started to burn out. I ordered some Water Glass and some activated charcoal. I sanded the chamber of the bowl until I could see the grain of the wood. Scraped out as much of the burn out as I could. Mixed up the water glass and power to make a paste. I coated the interior of the bowl and let it dry for a couple of days. Sanded it lightly, wiped it down with alcohol.

Loaded it up last night and it smoked well. No more burning in the flawed area.

Pipe Problems/Repairs advice/CAUTION TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK

Posted: 17 Feb 2024, 20:45
by jmg
You need something like this this to hold and appropriately use the drill bit. ... 169&sr=8-5

Also, if you follow the directions laid out by George Debos* in this video, you will have the absolute best and safest way to ream your pipes using the same tool.

*I believe that George is the best at what he does out of all 7-8 billion people on this earth, and I do not be mean that flippantly. I mean it in the most literal sense. So...follow his instructions.