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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 25 Jul 2024, 21:23 That's correct. Due Process is the benchmark.

I wouldn't label a relatively large-scale expulsion — one which occurs only after each case receives its Due Process — as "Mass Deportation". And I don't think that's what the lion's-share of those calling for Mass Deportation mean by the term, either. Nonetheless, if that's what you're calling it, then no, such would not be a condemnable form of Mass Deportation.

It remains to be seen whether your benign interpretation of term carries day in the GOP convo.

You assume too much. Who told you that "the lion's-share of those calling for Mass Deportation" actually wants to get rid of all 10 million illegal aliens?
- Not anyone in conservative media, not elected Republicans, not the Trump campaign, nor anyone in real life.
- Question the motives of anyone who wants you to think this. Because they really just want to get you to vote for their Democrat, using lies and scares as usual.

Use some common sense: We need to stop the caravans and the cartel traffickers. We need to secure the border. We will also need to make a show of "mass deportation" so that the world can see: "Just because you got here, doesn't mean you will be allowed to stay."

50,000 of the most undesirable migrants should be enough. That's just 0.5% of Biden's headcount.
Stop consuming Democrat propaganda from the pseudo-Catholic Democrat press.

And stop insisting that the Catholic Church has fundamentalist positions on every political thing.

Faithful Catholic Americans are going to vote overwhelmingly for Trump and Republicans this November. You know all the reasons why we are afraid of more Democrat rule.

As long as Democrats maintain their full-throated enthusiasm for killing babies and sterilizing children, no Catholic can vote for one without risk of mortal sin.

After Democrats embrace our fundamental, non-negotiable position about the sanctity of innocent life, then I will consider their "moral" position on open-border immigration.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 26 Jul 2024, 06:29
Wosbald wrote: 25 Jul 2024, 21:23 That's correct. Due Process is the benchmark.

I wouldn't label a relatively large-scale expulsion — one which occurs only after each case receives its Due Process — as "Mass Deportation". And I don't think that's what the lion's-share of those calling for Mass Deportation mean by the term, either. Nonetheless, if that's what you're calling it, then no, such would not be a condemnable form of Mass Deportation.

It remains to be seen whether your benign interpretation of term carries day in the GOP convo.

You assume too much. Who told you that "the lion's-share of those calling for Mass Deportation" actually wants to get rid of all 10 million illegal aliens?

Again — as I thought was just made perfectly clear — the actual tally is not the issue. It doesn't matter whether the number to be deported is Ten or 10 Million. What matters is Due Process.
  • 10 Million being deported after being given Due Process would not be condemnable.
  • However, a mere Ten being deported without being afforded Due Process would.
Thus endeth the lesson.


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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 26 Jul 2024, 08:19 Thus endeth the lesson.

I hope this means that there is nothing more to be said or read until we observe what actually happens.

My predictions:

If Kamala wins, millions more will be let in without due process and quietly dumped without care. The status quo.

If Trump wins, due process will be restored and everyone will get a fair hearing, and swiftly.... unless the Democrats can stonewall due process with court cases and stay orders. Then all bets are off.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »


Title: Jesuit Refugee Service UK urges new British government to do more for asylum seekers
Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-uk-and-ireland/2024/07/jesuit-refugee-service-uk-urges-new-british-government-to-do-more-for-asylum-seekers

The Money-Quotes:
[Sarah Teather — the Director of Jesuit Refugee Service UK — in a letter to Cooper released publicly on July 22] urged the Home Office to restore the Right to Asylum.

“If any of us were ever forced from our homes, we would want the opportunity to rebuild our lives safely elsewhere. However, the Nationality and Borders Act and other inadmissibility rules build long delays into the asylum system, while the Illegal Migration Act bans most refugees from claiming asylum at all,” she said.

“The vast majority of people ruled inadmissible will be impossible to remove, and therefore simply be trapped in indefinite limbo, at risk of destitution and exploitation. These laws punish refugees for how they travel, when most do not have a choice, and there are virtually no safe, accessible routes for people to seek asylum in the UK,” she continued.


Teather said her agency is urging the new government to restore the Right to Asylum by:
  • Repealing the Illegal Migration Act and Nationality and Borders Act.
  • Committing to examining each asylum claim fairly on its merits, and within the UK.
  • Abandoning all measures that punish refugees for how they arrived in the UK.
  • Creating safe routes for people seeking asylum.

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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 27 Jul 2024, 10:55 +JMJ+

Title: Jesuit Refugee Service UK urges new British government to do more for asylum seekers
Source: Crux
Link: cruxnow DOT com/church-in-uk-and-ireland/2024/07/jesuit-refugee-service-uk-urges-new-british-government-to-do-more-for-asylum-seekers

The Money-Quotes:
[Sarah Teather — the Director of Jesuit Refugee Service UK — in a letter to Cooper released publicly on July 22] urged the Home Office to restore the Right to Asylum.

“If any of us were ever forced from our homes, we would want the opportunity to rebuild our lives safely elsewhere. However, the Nationality and Borders Act and other inadmissibility rules build long delays into the asylum system, while the Illegal Migration Act bans most refugees from claiming asylum at all,” she said.

“The vast majority of people ruled inadmissible will be impossible to remove, and therefore simply be trapped in indefinite limbo, at risk of destitution and exploitation. These laws punish refugees for how they travel, when most do not have a choice, and there are virtually no safe, accessible routes for people to seek asylum in the UK,” she continued.


Teather said her agency is urging the new government to restore the Right to Asylum by:
  • Repealing the Illegal Migration Act and Nationality and Borders Act.
  • Committing to examining each asylum claim fairly on its merits, and within the UK.
  • Abandoning all measures that punish refugees for how they arrived in the UK.
  • Creating safe routes for people seeking asylum.
Are Jesuits unable to define the difference between refugees/asylum seekers and illegal migrants?

No wonder they support Democrats in the US.

It's pretty easy to discern refugees. There's usually some sort of war or mass disaster in their homeland.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 27 Jul 2024, 16:44 Are Jesuits unable to define the difference between refugees/asylum seekers and illegal migrants?

No wonder they support Democrats in the US.

It's pretty easy to discern refugees. There's usually some sort of war or mass disaster in their homeland.
I'm wondering whether Americans know the difference between the prefabbed, extrajudicial 'splainings of the Peanut Gallery and the patiently considered, case-by-case assessments of a duly-constituted authority such as a Border Judge.

The World May Never Know.


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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 29 Jul 2024, 10:53 +JMJ+
Del wrote: 27 Jul 2024, 16:44 Are Jesuits unable to define the difference between refugees/asylum seekers and illegal migrants?

No wonder they support Democrats in the US.

It's pretty easy to discern refugees. There's usually some sort of war or mass disaster in their homeland.
I'm wondering whether Americans know the difference between the prefabbed, extrajudicial 'splainings of the Peanut Gallery and the patiently considered, case-by-case assessments of a duly-constituted authority such as a Border Judge.

The World May Never Know.

NCR, America, and CRUX is a small bowl of peanuts.

Meanwhile... Yes, Americans know the difference. We are voting for Trump because we expect that he will fund and staff an army of Border Judges so that Biden's migrants can finally get the due process owed to them.
I'm no expert, but I expect that most of them will not qualify for "asylum" in America under the standards of international law. However, I expect that America (under Trump) will be more lenient that the international standard.

The international standard for asylum is that refugees, fleeing from war or natural disaster, are to go to the nearest safe neighboring country. That nation is supposed to shelter them, and then work with the international community to see that the refugees are settled in welcoming nations. Thus Ukrainians fled to Poland and were taken in by E.U. nations.

Likewise, Egypt has faced international pressure for failing to accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza. But Egypt maintains a hard border, because they know the Palestinians. They won't take the risks of harboring a culture of terrorists in their midst.

Under this standard, America has a duty to accept residents of Northern Mexico in case of war or natural disaster. We should also consider accepting refugees from nations on Mexico's southern border, in case of war or disaster there. And I wish Biden had accepted more refugees from Ukraine, since Biden caused Putin's invasion in the first place.

Whether we like it or not, due process = mass deportations.

What no one can tell right now is whether "mass deportation" means 10,000 (0.05%) or 200,000 (1%) or 2 million (10%) of Biden's illegal immigrants. Basically, whatever it's going to take to convince caravans and cartel traffickers to cease mass illegal crossings at our borders.

Glad I could help. Stop relying on Democrat propaganda hiding under a catholic mask. They are not guiding you in good faith.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Wosbald »

Del wrote: 29 Jul 2024, 18:24 […]

What no one can tell right now is whether "mass deportation" means 10,000 (0.05%) or 200,000 (1%) or 2 million (10%) of Biden's illegal immigrants. Basically, whatever it's going to take to convince caravans and cartel traffickers to cease mass illegal crossings at our borders.

Universal Human Rights are valued and secured for their own sakes and are not to be instrumentalized in order to "convince" anyone of anything. Migrants are not pawns to sacrificed in a campaign of international brinksmanship, existing merely to serve some MAGAvellian (see what I did there?) agenda.


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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 30 Jul 2024, 00:17 +JMJ+
Del wrote: 29 Jul 2024, 18:24 […]

What no one can tell right now is whether "mass deportation" means 10,000 (0.05%) or 200,000 (1%) or 2 million (10%) of Biden's illegal immigrants. Basically, whatever it's going to take to convince caravans and cartel traffickers to cease mass illegal crossings at our borders.

Universal Human Rights are valued and secured for their own sakes and are not to be instrumentalized in order to "convince" anyone of anything. Migrants are not pawns to sacrificed in a campaign of international brinksmanship, existing merely to serve some MAGAvellian (see what I did there?) agenda.

Democrats kill babies. Let's keep our focus on the real human right that must be protected.

And keep your accusations of Machiavellian attacks focused in the right direction, as well.
No one is "othering" the illegal migrants. No one is calling them vermin or a threat to our democracy.

In our present age, it is the Left who practice Machiavellian manipulation. They insist that born children are not persons. They shout that MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy. They say: Vote for our Machine-chosen candidate to "protect your rights" (to kill children) and "save Democracy" (from those MAGA vermin). They celebrate lock-downs, violence, riots and assassination attempts whenever it suits their cause.

We must shun them.

I don't want unregulated mass migration across our border. I don't want mass deportations either. And I'm pretty sure that I won't be happy with whatever pragmatic measures must be taken to secure our border. Biden has created a knot that cannot be solved in an idealist way.

But I'm not comfortable with the Killing of Egypt's Firstborn Children, either. Sometimes the best and wisest path is very hard.

The border must be secured, and Justice must be restored. And if you don't trust Trump to do it right.... well, I trust Kamala and your Jesuit Democrats even less. They had their chance already, and they've blown it.

How do you convince the caravans to stop coming, and the cartels to stop trafficking? It seems obvious to me that we must send a clear message to the world: If you trespass here illegally, you will not be allowed to stay.

If you have a better idea, share it with those who have the duty of care. We can't help you here on CPS.

Pray for wisdom in our leaders.
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The Right to Migrate / Fascism

Post by Del »

Wosbald wrote: 26 Jul 2024, 08:19 ping
Kamala is running her first ad, insisting that she is more serious about securing our border than Donald Trump is.

50 seconds on X.

Naturally, I expect NCR and friends to protest this message.
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