You assume too much. Who told you that "the lion's-share of those calling for Mass Deportation" actually wants to get rid of all 10 million illegal aliens?Wosbald wrote: 25 Jul 2024, 21:23 That's correct. Due Process is the benchmark.
I wouldn't label a relatively large-scale expulsion — one which occurs only after each case receives its Due Process — as "Mass Deportation". And I don't think that's what the lion's-share of those calling for Mass Deportation mean by the term, either. Nonetheless, if that's what you're calling it, then no, such would not be a condemnable form of Mass Deportation.
It remains to be seen whether your benign interpretation of term carries day in the GOP convo.
- Not anyone in conservative media, not elected Republicans, not the Trump campaign, nor anyone in real life.
- Question the motives of anyone who wants you to think this. Because they really just want to get you to vote for their Democrat, using lies and scares as usual.
Use some common sense: We need to stop the caravans and the cartel traffickers. We need to secure the border. We will also need to make a show of "mass deportation" so that the world can see: "Just because you got here, doesn't mean you will be allowed to stay."
50,000 of the most undesirable migrants should be enough. That's just 0.5% of Biden's headcount.
Stop consuming Democrat propaganda from the pseudo-Catholic Democrat press.
And stop insisting that the Catholic Church has fundamentalist positions on every political thing.
Faithful Catholic Americans are going to vote overwhelmingly for Trump and Republicans this November. You know all the reasons why we are afraid of more Democrat rule.
As long as Democrats maintain their full-throated enthusiasm for killing babies and sterilizing children, no Catholic can vote for one without risk of mortal sin.
After Democrats embrace our fundamental, non-negotiable position about the sanctity of innocent life, then I will consider their "moral" position on open-border immigration.