Adios, knife block

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Adios, knife block

Post by Hovannes »

When we married, some 28 years ago, we were given a set of Chicago Cutlery kitchen knives that came in a wooden knife block.
This evening Mrs. Hov decided (and Food Network agrees) that keeping kitchen knives in a knife block is unsanitary, so I've given the block the old heave-ho, and the kitchen knives now occupy a drawer.
This seems like a good way to dull the knives, so I was wondering if there is a better solution for storing kitchen knives?
How do you do it in your home?
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Adios, knife block

Post by Wosbald »


I like knife blocks. However, there are also those wall-mounted magnetic bars or strips for those so-inclined.

I'd post a pic, but as you know, I can't post pics. A quick Googling will show plenty of choices, though.


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Adios, knife block

Post by Del »

Hovannes wrote: 18 Aug 2024, 19:58 When we married, some 28 years ago, we were given a set of Chicago Cutlery kitchen knives that came in a wooden knife block.
This evening Mrs. Hov decided (and Food Network agrees) that keeping kitchen knives in a knife block is unsanitary
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Adios, knife block

Post by sweetandsour »

I recall that Julia Childs used the magnetic knife strips in her kitchen. Her kitchen walls were covered with knives, pots, and pans. As far as at our house, the knives are in the drawer, and they do just fine.
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Adios, knife block

Post by Del »

Good News, Everyone!

How dirty Knife Blocks Are and How to Clean Them
1. Clean the Slots

“Take all the knives out. Pick up your block, turn it over, and shake out any crumbs,” Novacek says. “Turn it back right-side up and use a pipe cleaner to get into those slots if you think there are residual crumbs lodged in there.”
Hugo Drax
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Adios, knife block

Post by Hugo Drax »

We just put in a wooden upright board with a strong magnet inside. Both sides of the boards hold knives in place. Even the butcher steel. Nifty little contraption.
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